Saturday, 30 October 2010

Question:any tips for japanese language learning?

I gave a basic outline of how I study here.

But just like anything, the more time you spend doing it, the better you will get. Even if you are just watching Japanese TV mindlessly It still helps IMO. These days I just talk to my GF, watch Anime, read comics, and I also read ero blogs on the net. You can download a firefox plugin called 'rikaichan' so when your cursor hovers over a Kanji character the english translation pops up. It's awesome.

Sometimes I practice writing by copying out sentences from an SRS like ANKI and I use a book by Heisig for Kanji. I also use my ipod touch for a vocab application 'Japanese flip'. I also download anime onto my ipod and watch it on the go. I also use my ipod for my dictionary. I used to listen to free Japanese podcasts but they stopped doing them for free so I gave that up. Plus I couldn't stand the guys voice. His voice made me angry. But ipod rocks.

Keep your headphones on, try to make the input Japanese as much as possible. Listen to a song you like then check the net for the lyrics, then try to sing the song. When you buy Japanese products try to read the label. Get input from as many different sources and mediums as you possibly can. If you're using materials that are of genuine interest to you, you will want to understand the meaning and that will motivate you to continue.

Then if the material itself doesn't motivate you, walking the streets and seeing girls like this looking at you and smiling, and then realizing that you can't speak to them, will make you want to learn. That's if you're a guy....d^0^b

Monday, 25 October 2010

I want to be The Greatest

So busy with work and study these days. The rainy weather makes my time with my GF mostly indoors. Drinking plumb wine, eating cheese, taking warm baths and talking about everything and nothing while dreaming about becoming the greatest.

I want to be a funky funk cat

So I tried to get my GF to funk dance with me. I thought some old school shit would get her into it. No such luck. I had to up the funk levels!


This shit is the FUNK. She still wouldn't dance with me though :(

I will break her down slowly. Get her drunk, then get the funk.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010


When I was a teenager/early 20's I never drank. I drank a little, but very sporadically. This is the time of life when people are supposed to go wild and drink a lot. I didn't so much. I was very strict and uptight. Totally focused on my study and on my health.

These days, I drink more than I used to. Tonight I had 5 cans of beer and some umeshu (plumb wine) with my GF. Yesterday I went to a BBQ and drank a ton. Two days before that I randomly invited some girls that were in the same elevator as me after work to go drinking with me and a co worker at a random street side vendor. When that finished I was on my way home and bumped into a guy that lives in the same building as me. I happened to get a bottle of champagne that day from a student so we decided to crack it open and drink it.

He was with his girlfriend and the three of us sat outside on the stairs drinking champagne, talking boisterously. The rain started to fall lightly making the air fresh, and we got happily drunk. It was a nice moment.

I just think about how much drinking I do, and how it is more than what it used to be. I think it's because I don't drive anymore, and I don't have any overbearing parents trying to moderate my lifestyle. Sometimes I hear stories about people who lived in Japan and come back with alcoholism and it kinda worries me. I also know about how my family has a history of alcoholics. I don't think I drink large amounts, but I drink pretty often. Almost everyday. But only one or two drinks. Then on days when I go out- its 3-5+ drinks. Not that much really. It's just that I go out often.

I think that Japanese lifestyle results in an increase in alcohol consumption.

My GF this, My GF that...

Ever hung out with one of those people that talk non stop about their new relationship and try to wedge the topic in on every conversation? Then 6-12 months later when it isn't so new anymore they just roll their eyes when they talk abour the same person?

That guy, is me.

Yeah. I suck. HAHA!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Can I leave my stuff at your place?

My GF asked if she could leave a bag of her stuff at my place. It's cool with me, since we are pretty established now. It feels kinda strange when it happens too soon though. Like when a girl takes over my tiny bathroom with her stuff on day2.

I was looking around my place and I still have various remnants from ex- hookups, GFs, one nights stands.

I have a fake lip-ring from a one night stand punk chick. I have an ear stud from a slightly B-kei one night stand.

Random hair brush. I don't know.

Ex-GF's and Fuck buddy's; Bath salt, facial scrubs, soaps, lotions, massage oil- other things I don't know what their purpose is for....

I think it's time to either use them, or lose them. My skin is a little dry around the eyes. Perhaps a nice bath with a revitalizing facial is in order....?

Am I being a bitch?

Or do I just have little patience for bullshit?

A girl who I dated, went to Karaoke, made out with, stopped replying to my messages a long time ago contacted me suddenly. She asked how I was, I gave a friendly reply and asked the same of her. No reply.

One week later (last night) she asks if it's OK to call me and does so.

She tells me she is at work and needs something translated for work, can I help her?

No; hello, how are you?, what are you doing?, hows life? It's been a while since I totally brushed you off like a bad smell and tried to forget about you because I only wanted to try out hanging with a foreigner and wasn't interested in anything more, just a bit of fun......(thats my assumption at least).


I try to help. She says some sentences and I reply in English and she says she can't understand my English- can I mail her the translation?

I told her, "Yea, sure!!"

But really, "No fucking way!!!"

How do you brush a dude off with no explanation and think that a year later he is going to do your job for you for free?

I got a message from her today asking if I was busy because she needs those translations for work. I almost feel bad.

But mostly, I don't care.

Saturday, 9 October 2010

I have a shoe fetish

I don't know how it got this way, but its pretty full on now.

Maybe it started with me noticing the pink toenails of a girl wearing sandals?

Maybe I saw a bit of toe sticking out with some 'toe cleavage'?

I did notice that when I saw girls with more conviction in their style, they had more confidence in their walk and nicer shoes on their feet.

Nowadays I look at shoes like I'm looking at tits.

I try to sneak a look without getting caught looking weird or creepy.

The school uniform fetish that is so common here does absolutely nothing for me and when I see it I think, 'child' and absolutely nothing registers in my mind. In fact I think the way that this entire country somehow openly embraces this as commonplace is completely vulgar- but as they say, when in Rome...hmmm... It still does nothing for me.

There's a 16 year old girl I do private lessons with every week. In a way, I could imagine how she would be cute to other girls and guys her age. One public holiday I taught her and she came in without her uniform, dressed in casual- lots of makeup, perfume and heels...... minors shouldn't be allowed to wear heels. They were hot. And strappy.

I stole all these pics from a blog. But that blog said they stole them from someone else. Super steal baby.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Fcup's amway secret

I'm still not sure what to think about these messages. If you want a translation just ask.

F-cup: Hi Ransom, 来週 ヒマな日ある?
Me: Hi Fcup. I'm free on Monday. How about you?
Monday?! Im work on Monday
After work?
It goes out with the friend! Besides, is a free day?
ちゃあ金曜日の昼間お茶する? Do you know amway?
Do I know amway? [anywhere]ってこと?
BTW, How old are you?
28. You?
Really?! 25 クラィかと思ってた。 23

眠い。。gunite. sweet dreams.
you too.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010


It's an orgasm through nipple stimulation alone. I realized I hadn't done one to my girlfriend yet, so I did it to her this afternoon. She was shocked and surprised, but loved it. Her first time to experience nipplegasm.

Guys, don't let anyone tell you it can't be done, because it absolutely can.

Nipplegasm; another great way to get a girl off.

Monday, 4 October 2010

F cup tits

There he is. The cool guy. The guy that girls swoon for and guys hate from the feeling of jealousy. He has a good job and a nice car. He is composed and articulate in his speech. His voice resonates a clarity of mind and intelligence yet he never becomes the "Mr. Know-it-all". Somehow he maintains his humility and never gets too full of himself. He dresses well- fashionable, but at the same time his hair is slightly messy and his face could do with a shave, but it only adds to his rugged charm. He doesn't mind to laugh at himself and when he does it shows his big white teeth. He never takes himself too seriously and you can feel that he is just so easy to be around even though he seems so cool. He says nice things to you and is always positive, and even though he is funny and makes you laugh when he talks, there are times when he is quiet and serious and you wonder what he is thinking. Sweet, funny, cute yet mysterious. His baby face is a contrasting gap to his ripped abs and muscular body. If women knew, women would find it hard to say 'no' to this guy.


When I think of a guy that I imagine most girls would find attractive, he seems like this.

When I imagine a girl that has the same level of attractive qualities she would have;

A cute face, slim waist, F-cup sized tits...............


Oh yeah!! I almost forgot. Her personality should be simple so we can feel like we impress her with our lame stories! ! ! !

Yeah, that's about all guys need.

Notice I lacked to mention the job? Men aren't concerned with such superficial things like what money and status a girl has. NO! We go straight to the core- the heart of the girl. Or, at least in that general direction; the chest...... Chest/breast (size) is more important than status.

So when a girl like this who I picked up waaaaaay back last winter, suddenly messages me out of nowhere asking to have a dinner date with me- I should be all over it. BUT- I'm so goddamn busy with this post grad study!!!! RAAA!!! I'm angry.

I want breast!

Sunday, 3 October 2010

I approach girls

I approach and talk to girls fairly often. Of course I don't detail most of them in this blog because nothing out of the ordinary happens, but generally, I talk to many women in many different places and situations. When I talk, I'm not really thinking about sex or friendship or anything into the future at all. Usually I'm thinking, "I want to talk to girls", or "These girls are looking at me, it would be polite to say hello."

Clothing shops, Coffee shops, book shops, fast food shops, music shops, sometimes even trains and elevators- I talk. Bars are places for people to get together, drink and talk. Of course I approach women there and have conversations even when I don't intend to sleep with them.

Sometimes I just like to chat. Sometimes, even when I'm in the street, I'll be with other guys, and if we got some girls to go drinking with us it would be more fun. And it usually is.

It seems many people think that the only reason a man would want to approach a woman is only because he wants sex.

If a woman ever thinks the only reason I would be talking to her is because I want to fuck her she should quit flattering herself and just enjoy the moment because very soon it will pass and be forgotten.

There are only very rare occasions I think, "Damn, that girl is so my type, I have to talk to her." Other times I'm just in the mood and I do want sex and could basically fuck anything. This seems to be happening less and less though.