Thursday, 26 May 2011


In most religions, there is the belief that humans have a "spirit".

The Christians believe that after the human body ends its life, the spirit body will continue on to a different place, usually heaven or hell. The Chinese "Tao" says that there is spirit energy that moves through the body and the flow of this energy can be altered. The "Shaman" that lived in South America, Mexico and the US before the European conquests also believed in such "spirit worlds" and even claimed to travel freely into it. They claimed that the spirit energy is attached to the human body but can also detach. New age religions of the west often have the phrase, "mind body and soul connection" attached to their beliefs. Even Japan has its own beliefs, although not widely recognized amongst the general public. "Reiki" is said to be spirit energy that can be channeled from the universe. There is also a type of massage called 'shiatsu' which specializes in unblocking energy channels. The Indians of India have many beliefs but a common one is the belief that humans have "Chakra". These are points at which spirit energy enters the body.

Of all these Religious and spiritual beliefs, I really have no particular interest in one more than any of the others. I don't believe in any and I don't discard any and by reading about them and using the information I come across in a practical way, I can make my life more fun and interesting.

Through much 'spiritual' practice, meditation and all sorts of experimentation I find that the more I learn, the less I know, and the more there is to learn. Which is really fun and inspiring!

So, to summarize all the info I have into a neat litlle package-
The movement of spiritual energy causes physical reactions in the body. The physical reaction can result in orgasm that extends beyond localized areas. Moving or unblocking energy can be facilitated by yourself or by someone else. If you can control your own energy and understand how it flows, you can step up to moving another person's energy. Do this, and you have full control of their orgasm. Both the amount and intensity.

In an ideal world, I would be able to find a beautiful open minded women who would like to discuss and experiment with these ideas, but unfortunately most people I meet don't like this taboo topic. Perhaps one day I will find such girl and our relationship will be great. Until then I will continue to covertly practice all methods of Tantra and other weird stuff that makes them have amazing orgasms, without them knowing how and why it is happening.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

I'm totally feeling this guy

I don't agree with everything he says, but just don't wake me up and insult my intelligence by saying that I'm living my life wrong. What gives you the authority? Pretty arrogant really. Can't believe I still get woken up IN JAPAN by MORMONS who are otherwise nice Japanese women who speak English. WHY?!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011


I met Cecil the other night and she showed up with blond hair extensions down to her stomach. I took her to dinner and on the way back to my place we passed a dark street where I decided to push her up against the wall and unbutton her short shorts and reach in. She was protesting a lot, so I told her not to worry because, "Its Monday....."

........Which made her burst out laughing so hard she could hardly stand up while saying, "kankeinai." (irrelevant) repetitively. Funny moment. But I ended up giving her a solid handjob which she was pissed off about at the time, but happy about later.

Random acts of public sex: its all about embracing the moment and seeing where opportunity takes you.

The next day when we were walking around and I asked her about pachinko, the Japanese style of gambling with a type of slot machine. She told me she used to work at one and used to play slot machines but stopped doing it after guys that she dated told her to stop.

-On Pachinko-
I heard, and don't quote me on this, but when Japan wanted to join the united nations there were certain laws that had to be passed. Amongst other laws, two things they begrudgingly had to make illegal were; prostitution and gambling. So although these are illegal in Japan, they aren't so strongly enforced because the country still considers some of these things as part of their culture, and tends to turn the blind eye to some extent. This part of the culture is called the 'water trade' or 'mizushobai'. Long ago, certain organized groups of men would sail down the rivers of Japan and offer to sell certain entertainments that wouldn't normally be available everyday in the remote villages, hence the term 'water'. Things like gambling, prostitution, alcohol etc. are included in this trade. Today, work that is centered around evening work, including bars and such, is still called the water trade.

Anyway, the system for pachinko is that when you win, you win small silver balls. You can trade these balls for prizes such as toys, cool cigarette lighters, etc. Most people trade them for a kind of gold chip. They then take these gold chips to a separate vendor and sell them for cash, essentially turning their winnings to cash. This separate vendor is often located next to a pachinko parlor and owned by the same people. The amount of money circulated is tremendous. I might have written about a Japanese ex-band member who lost a ton of cash through pachinko. I think I also once wrote about the girlfriend who was loaded as all hell because her father owned one of these buildings. These people are working above the law but dance that fine line and skirt the border of what is legal by creating a convenient loop-hole where what they are doing is offering prizes as opposed to cash, but essentially, it ends up as cash so.....whatever. Incidentally, that girl's father never played pachinko once in his life despite owning his own building full of it. You'd think you would test the product once, right?


Well I can understand his reasoning despite hating on his xenophobic yakuza ass. Gambling is lame. And I think the need for Japan to hold onto this kind 'culture' is about as lame as holding onto the whaling culture. Seriously. Whale meat is SHIT! Give it up already. Lame as all hell.

I asked Cecil if she would show me how to play pachinko cause I had never done it, but since I'm a total cheapskate, I'd rather just go to the game center and play the fake style called 'Medal'. Its the same as pachinko but costs a fraction of the price and there are no prizes. So, why play I hear you ask? Why play any game I guess...

Anyway, we get there and she is PSYCHED, which kinda weirds me out (not as much as seeing her with no make up though~ another story) and she asks me about 50 frickin times which machine are we gonna play. It all looks the same to me.

I find a machine, I lose my money instantly, she gets 'fever' (kinda like jackpot- high odds at getting high return) and ends up with a ton of 'medal' (tokens). From there we take the tokens and play some other high tech looking game with flashy lights and loud buzzers. I hit the jackpot, get a ton of coins, and get a little pumped, lolz, and we end up playing it for almost 45 minutes. In total it cost 200yen. I got pretty sick of it at that stage and was looking forward to losing the coins, going home, drinking beer, pouring lotion on her hard gyaru body and getting ero- which I did. Yay.

My thoughts on pachinko =


Interesting Cecil facts
-Hates it when I say anything in English apart from "Fuck yeah."
-Wants me to go to a tanning salon with her
-Doesn't think she is gyaru
- Once modeled for a catalog that ended up in Australia
-Doesn't smoke

Monday, 2 May 2011

gyaru cant sing

My eyes say "yes!" but my ears say......


I much prefer Koda Kumi.

Period sex-- > Tantric sex

I still have sex even when she is on her period. I don't see why not. Some people might think it is disgusting, with the blood and all. I can understand that. But what I studied in university desensitized me to how blood could be disgusting. In fact, it completely changed the way I looked at the human body all together. So basically, yeah, I put some towels down, tell her I'm cool with it, kiss her gently, then rock her world with my badass sex.

If she is completely against it, I go tantra on her and make her cum without penetration. This girl knows what its about.