I was on a date a few weeks ago and in Karaoke the chick started singing this song.
WTF is this?
Possibly the most dreadful crap ever?
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Postgrad sux
Work and study catching up with me, bringing me down.
Need to keep my chin up.
Looking at this girl makes me smile
Need to keep my chin up.
Looking at this girl makes me smile
Thursday, 3 May 2012
Popular guys don't cut it
Time for some language and culture learning peeps. I found this article
on Mixi. If you are logged in you can do a search and view it there.
Basically its an article about guys who look like they pull chicks, but chicks don't like certain aspects about these guys. Those
points are listed.
Amongst men, there are guys who girls see as charming, but nonetheless don't feel romantically inclined towards them. We have now found out from the female readers of 'otomesugoren' the characteristics they don't like of these guys who seem popular with girls.
「友 達としてはいいけど、付き合っても自分以外の人にも優しくしそう」(20代女性)と自分だけの特別感が感じられなそうで彼氏候補にはできないという意見が 多いようです。女性に優しくするときは「○○さんだけね」など、特別感を感じさせる言葉を添えると恋愛対象として見てもらえるでしょう。
(1) He is nice to everyone without exception, but when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex he's clueless.
"Its OK to have him as a friend, but even if I'm dating him he's still going to be nice to everyone even if it's not me." The opinion of a lot of girls in their 20's is that if a guy is kind to everyone then they can't find that special connection that they would if he were only kind to her.
If guys spice up their words with phrases like, "Its only you baby", when they are being kind it gives a special feeling to the interaction and then girls might see the guy as a possible romantic interest.
My comments
I have heard this opinion from many Japanese women and I have overheard conversations where guys are saying things like, "Its only you baby." in an incredibly transparent lie yet it seems to work well at getting them laid, while simultaneously make my skin crawl and lose a ton of respect for the girls who are being sold on the crap. Speaking later with these girls I hear that they feel good when they are with that guy because "He makes me feel special". White girls don't fall for this crap, at least not the hot ones.
Japanese culture? Or the female mind in general?
「誰にでも『可愛 』と言ってい 。絶対浮気するに違いない」(20代女性)と、女性に対する壁の低さを見て、彼氏にするには心配だと感じる人も多いようです。「付き合ったら一途」などのエピソードを話せば、女性の見る目が変わるかもしれません。
He's surrounded by so many female friends, he's just playing around and isn't for real.
It seems like he's gonna say "You're cute" to anyone.
He is absolutely going to cheat fo sure.
Say the girls in their 20's, in regards to how low a guy's barrier is with women, its a worry to have him as a BF.
I don't really get this sentence, and I think it holds important information.....助けて!誰か!
My comments
This idea is very different to how many western women view popular guys. Whereas white girls don't get into a awkward fumbling loserface, these girls are saying that because a guy is so comfortable with women, its actually a concern for them and their position as his girlfriend because as far as they can see, he is just going to cheat. So although I do believe these girls find these guys attractive, their own insecurities have them keep the guys at an arms length.
His face and fashion are spot on, he's just too hot.
Compared with me, we don't match.
He's probably gonna get tired of me and move on quickly.
Say teenage girls who believe the world they live in is completely different to the world he lives in. They just can't feel emotions of love for this guy.
This last sentence is tough....my guess =
It might be best to keep the chat simple, and appeal to her by being friendly.
My comments
Unlike western girls who seem to wanna fuck hot guys no matter how average looking and overweight they themselves are, a portion of Japanese girls tend to be intimidated by guys who they consider better looking than themselves. The simple fact that the guy wants to bone the chick down seems to not be enough validation for the girl's sense of self beauty. She can't go further into a relationship and commit to sex because she's not thinking sex, she's thinking partner, and one who she expects will leave her soon, is better off not having at all. In conclusion, don't underestimate the extreme levels of insecurity in J-girls and how they cock block you. If you are prince charming and you really want to get with girls like this, you must first give snow white the magical mirror on the wall as an unbiased source of beauty insight and have it confirm to her that she is fairest of them all before she can feel deserving of your poison apple reviving kiss.
「家 も常にキレイにしなきゃいけないし、付き合ったらしんどそう」(30代女性)と、キッチリしすぎて潔癖なところがある男性は、心理的な負担も多そうに感じ るようです。他人に私物を触られただけで怒ったり、携帯についた指紋をいちいち拭くなど、極端に汚れを気にするのはやめておきましょう。
He's a perfectionist so he outshines me in cleanliness.
His place is so clean that if we were to be a couple it would be hard work.
Say girls in their 30's. Men who are too clean and punctual would give psychological burdens on their women.
If you get angry at other people touching your stuff, wipe every fingerprint off your cellphone and care way too much about being clean, give it rest. You little Nancyboy.
My comments
If I've ever needed another reason to leave my place looking like trash and walk around outside all sloppy with a 3 day growth of stubble across my face, here it is.
"Am I being played?" Anxiety coming more from the fact that he is good at dealing with women.
Its hard to see his real feelings because he has so much experience in relationships with women.
Guys who are popular consequently leave girls dubious on whether the relationship is real or not, say girls in their 20's.
Its better to set your experience with girls and numbers of ex lovers to a minimum.
My comments
In my experience of dealing with western women, being clumsy and awkward never got me laid. It wasn't until I became more adult, had more experience and became more comfortable with women did I really get to tap the fine ass of hot white chicks. White girls, with their abundance of socialization amongst the opposite sex and having been subjected to many poor attempts at pick up are generally not overly cautious of dangerous guys, good looking wild guys and outrageous party animals and generally seem to enjoy joining the party. Conversely, according to this article, a portion of Japanese girls aren't down with guys who are confident with girls and prefer the shy awkward guy who makes slow meek awkward advances and generally doesn't seem to know what he is doing.
He's obsessed with fashion and won't shut up about chicks clothing either.
I'm worried if the brands I have match him.
Say women in their 30's. Men who get carried away with style seem like they are going to be harsh on women's style too.
If you want to say something about women's fashion, don't. Just think it and let it go no further.
My Comments
I've actually never come across a foreigner in Japan that thinks too much about fashion. I've met plenty of guys that don't at all think about fashion though. Nonetheless, dressing well, then hitting on girls who don't dress well, doesn't work. Either dress average and hit on anyone, or dress well and only hit on girls who are well dressed. Then don't say much about clothes either. If you want to make comments about clothes, frame them as questions.
「結 婚とかの将来を見据えた時にちょっと…。無限にお金をつぎ込まれそうで怖い」(20代女性)と、ルックスが好みでも、お金の使い方に不安要素が生じる場合 もあるようです。「月1万円までと決めているんだ」など、生活費に支障が出ない範囲で趣味を楽しんでいることをアピールするといいかもしれません。
On the outside he is handsome, but he is into pachinko, horse betting and all types of gambling.
"If I think about marriage or the future I fear he will use all our money."
Say girls in their 20's. He may look good but they feel the way he uses his money makes them anxious.
If you say that you will use say, 1 man en per month only, or some amount that doesn't interfere with your standard living expenses you might be able to appeal to her that way and enjoy it only as a hobby.
My comments
Gambling is bullshit. I don't get the appeal of it at all and don't really know anyone who likes it either.
Work plays the most important role in his life so that even if we are going out he will neglect me.
"He probably won't mail or call me and I'll get lonely."
Say girls in their 20's. Men who make work the highest priority in life aren't fun lovers.
On the other hand, girls looking to get married say, "He has great economic power and is a good future prospect." and highly rate these guys.
My comments
This is one of those annoying contradictions of nature that we as men find ourselves in when we say, "I want her to have huge tits but a tiny waist and be good in bed yet virginal with no prior experience with other guys" from a possible marriage partner. Girls want a dude who works hard to make a ton of money for them and their future, but at the same time, don't want to go out with him cause he will probably neglect her. At the end of the day, as humans, we are doomed to be unsatisfied with what we have, and crave what we don't have.
On the outside he carries an innocent air about him but then he suddenly busts out dirty jokes and gets all excited.
"I reel back in shock when he's with other guys and he talks about dirty topics with such enthusiasm."
Say teenage girls, who upon seeing the huge gap between how they imagined the guy would be like according to his appearance and how he actually is, just don't find feelings of romance well up inside them.
When you are in public you don't know whose ears are listening so even if you are with other guys, refrain from getting into dirty topics.
My comments
This is a teenage girl's problem along with a guy's ability to operate with class, style and discretion in public. Young girls simply aren't used to the fact that guys will be guys, but do get used to it as they get more experience. But even then, it doesn't mean they like it. It is better for us guys to be aware of our surroundings and keep our voices down when talking about risky topics. Especially as foreigners, locals love to test their ability to listen to English, and report back to anyone they know with inside gossip. I've learned this through many annoying and harsh experiences.
Overall, this is an article not about normal Jguys, but about Jguys who seem like they would be popular. To put the shoe on the other foot, its like us looking at hot white girls and coming up with reasons why we don't want to date a hot western girl who seems like she would be popular. Many foreign guys, especially ones living in Japan would prefer not to deal with the excess weight of having to date a hot western girl back home, would prefer the girls next door type, or in our case, a demure little Japanese girl that doesn't draw too much attention, and would probably come up with reasons why they don't want to date hot white girls similar to the reasons above.
Overall, in everyday society girls want guys, and guys want girls- who are on their level.
Amongst men, there are guys who girls see as charming, but nonetheless don't feel romantically inclined towards them. We have now found out from the female readers of 'otomesugoren' the characteristics they don't like of these guys who seem popular with girls.
「友 達としてはいいけど、付き合っても自分以外の人にも優しくしそう」(20代女性)と自分だけの特別感が感じられなそうで彼氏候補にはできないという意見が 多いようです。女性に優しくするときは「○○さんだけね」など、特別感を感じさせる言葉を添えると恋愛対象として見てもらえるでしょう。
(1) He is nice to everyone without exception, but when it comes to dealing with the opposite sex he's clueless.
"Its OK to have him as a friend, but even if I'm dating him he's still going to be nice to everyone even if it's not me." The opinion of a lot of girls in their 20's is that if a guy is kind to everyone then they can't find that special connection that they would if he were only kind to her.
If guys spice up their words with phrases like, "Its only you baby", when they are being kind it gives a special feeling to the interaction and then girls might see the guy as a possible romantic interest.
My comments
I have heard this opinion from many Japanese women and I have overheard conversations where guys are saying things like, "Its only you baby." in an incredibly transparent lie yet it seems to work well at getting them laid, while simultaneously make my skin crawl and lose a ton of respect for the girls who are being sold on the crap. Speaking later with these girls I hear that they feel good when they are with that guy because "He makes me feel special". White girls don't fall for this crap, at least not the hot ones.
Japanese culture? Or the female mind in general?
「誰にでも『可愛 』と言ってい 。絶対浮気するに違いない」(20代女性)と、女性に対する壁の低さを見て、彼氏にするには心配だと感じる人も多いようです。「付き合ったら一途」などのエピソードを話せば、女性の見る目が変わるかもしれません。
He's surrounded by so many female friends, he's just playing around and isn't for real.
It seems like he's gonna say "You're cute" to anyone.
He is absolutely going to cheat fo sure.
Say the girls in their 20's, in regards to how low a guy's barrier is with women, its a worry to have him as a BF.
I don't really get this sentence, and I think it holds important information.....助けて!誰か!
My comments
This idea is very different to how many western women view popular guys. Whereas white girls don't get into a awkward fumbling loserface, these girls are saying that because a guy is so comfortable with women, its actually a concern for them and their position as his girlfriend because as far as they can see, he is just going to cheat. So although I do believe these girls find these guys attractive, their own insecurities have them keep the guys at an arms length.
His face and fashion are spot on, he's just too hot.
Compared with me, we don't match.
He's probably gonna get tired of me and move on quickly.
Say teenage girls who believe the world they live in is completely different to the world he lives in. They just can't feel emotions of love for this guy.
This last sentence is tough....my guess =
It might be best to keep the chat simple, and appeal to her by being friendly.
My comments
Unlike western girls who seem to wanna fuck hot guys no matter how average looking and overweight they themselves are, a portion of Japanese girls tend to be intimidated by guys who they consider better looking than themselves. The simple fact that the guy wants to bone the chick down seems to not be enough validation for the girl's sense of self beauty. She can't go further into a relationship and commit to sex because she's not thinking sex, she's thinking partner, and one who she expects will leave her soon, is better off not having at all. In conclusion, don't underestimate the extreme levels of insecurity in J-girls and how they cock block you. If you are prince charming and you really want to get with girls like this, you must first give snow white the magical mirror on the wall as an unbiased source of beauty insight and have it confirm to her that she is fairest of them all before she can feel deserving of your poison apple reviving kiss.
「家 も常にキレイにしなきゃいけないし、付き合ったらしんどそう」(30代女性)と、キッチリしすぎて潔癖なところがある男性は、心理的な負担も多そうに感じ るようです。他人に私物を触られただけで怒ったり、携帯についた指紋をいちいち拭くなど、極端に汚れを気にするのはやめておきましょう。
He's a perfectionist so he outshines me in cleanliness.
His place is so clean that if we were to be a couple it would be hard work.
Say girls in their 30's. Men who are too clean and punctual would give psychological burdens on their women.
If you get angry at other people touching your stuff, wipe every fingerprint off your cellphone and care way too much about being clean, give it rest. You little Nancyboy.
My comments
If I've ever needed another reason to leave my place looking like trash and walk around outside all sloppy with a 3 day growth of stubble across my face, here it is.
"Am I being played?" Anxiety coming more from the fact that he is good at dealing with women.
Its hard to see his real feelings because he has so much experience in relationships with women.
Guys who are popular consequently leave girls dubious on whether the relationship is real or not, say girls in their 20's.
Its better to set your experience with girls and numbers of ex lovers to a minimum.
My comments
In my experience of dealing with western women, being clumsy and awkward never got me laid. It wasn't until I became more adult, had more experience and became more comfortable with women did I really get to tap the fine ass of hot white chicks. White girls, with their abundance of socialization amongst the opposite sex and having been subjected to many poor attempts at pick up are generally not overly cautious of dangerous guys, good looking wild guys and outrageous party animals and generally seem to enjoy joining the party. Conversely, according to this article, a portion of Japanese girls aren't down with guys who are confident with girls and prefer the shy awkward guy who makes slow meek awkward advances and generally doesn't seem to know what he is doing.
He's obsessed with fashion and won't shut up about chicks clothing either.
I'm worried if the brands I have match him.
Say women in their 30's. Men who get carried away with style seem like they are going to be harsh on women's style too.
If you want to say something about women's fashion, don't. Just think it and let it go no further.
My Comments
I've actually never come across a foreigner in Japan that thinks too much about fashion. I've met plenty of guys that don't at all think about fashion though. Nonetheless, dressing well, then hitting on girls who don't dress well, doesn't work. Either dress average and hit on anyone, or dress well and only hit on girls who are well dressed. Then don't say much about clothes either. If you want to make comments about clothes, frame them as questions.
「結 婚とかの将来を見据えた時にちょっと…。無限にお金をつぎ込まれそうで怖い」(20代女性)と、ルックスが好みでも、お金の使い方に不安要素が生じる場合 もあるようです。「月1万円までと決めているんだ」など、生活費に支障が出ない範囲で趣味を楽しんでいることをアピールするといいかもしれません。
On the outside he is handsome, but he is into pachinko, horse betting and all types of gambling.
"If I think about marriage or the future I fear he will use all our money."
Say girls in their 20's. He may look good but they feel the way he uses his money makes them anxious.
If you say that you will use say, 1 man en per month only, or some amount that doesn't interfere with your standard living expenses you might be able to appeal to her that way and enjoy it only as a hobby.
My comments
Gambling is bullshit. I don't get the appeal of it at all and don't really know anyone who likes it either.
Work plays the most important role in his life so that even if we are going out he will neglect me.
"He probably won't mail or call me and I'll get lonely."
Say girls in their 20's. Men who make work the highest priority in life aren't fun lovers.
On the other hand, girls looking to get married say, "He has great economic power and is a good future prospect." and highly rate these guys.
My comments
This is one of those annoying contradictions of nature that we as men find ourselves in when we say, "I want her to have huge tits but a tiny waist and be good in bed yet virginal with no prior experience with other guys" from a possible marriage partner. Girls want a dude who works hard to make a ton of money for them and their future, but at the same time, don't want to go out with him cause he will probably neglect her. At the end of the day, as humans, we are doomed to be unsatisfied with what we have, and crave what we don't have.
On the outside he carries an innocent air about him but then he suddenly busts out dirty jokes and gets all excited.
"I reel back in shock when he's with other guys and he talks about dirty topics with such enthusiasm."
Say teenage girls, who upon seeing the huge gap between how they imagined the guy would be like according to his appearance and how he actually is, just don't find feelings of romance well up inside them.
When you are in public you don't know whose ears are listening so even if you are with other guys, refrain from getting into dirty topics.
My comments
This is a teenage girl's problem along with a guy's ability to operate with class, style and discretion in public. Young girls simply aren't used to the fact that guys will be guys, but do get used to it as they get more experience. But even then, it doesn't mean they like it. It is better for us guys to be aware of our surroundings and keep our voices down when talking about risky topics. Especially as foreigners, locals love to test their ability to listen to English, and report back to anyone they know with inside gossip. I've learned this through many annoying and harsh experiences.
Overall, this is an article not about normal Jguys, but about Jguys who seem like they would be popular. To put the shoe on the other foot, its like us looking at hot white girls and coming up with reasons why we don't want to date a hot western girl who seems like she would be popular. Many foreign guys, especially ones living in Japan would prefer not to deal with the excess weight of having to date a hot western girl back home, would prefer the girls next door type, or in our case, a demure little Japanese girl that doesn't draw too much attention, and would probably come up with reasons why they don't want to date hot white girls similar to the reasons above.
Overall, in everyday society girls want guys, and guys want girls- who are on their level.
Bye Metal chick
On our last date which lasted almost 24 hours, starting on Saturday evening and finishing around the same time Sunday I noticed that during the whole time we were together you said to me exactly nothing. Nothing at all. You spoke only to answer my questions. Yet even then they were difficult for you to answer and you got confused.
I'm not saying I'm some type of intellect that needs mental stimulation every 5 seconds, I'm just saying that I'm an adult and I need to consider the person I'm with an equal in some sort of emotional maturity level, or at least at some conversational level. An adult relationship that is starting out should be blooming with interaction, not stagnating from tired stalemate. In short, you are a boring person. Its not gonna work out for us. Sry.
Don't think I'm not hurting about this cause I am.
I'm broken.
I'm not saying I'm some type of intellect that needs mental stimulation every 5 seconds, I'm just saying that I'm an adult and I need to consider the person I'm with an equal in some sort of emotional maturity level, or at least at some conversational level. An adult relationship that is starting out should be blooming with interaction, not stagnating from tired stalemate. In short, you are a boring person. Its not gonna work out for us. Sry.
Don't think I'm not hurting about this cause I am.
I'm broken.
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