Initially I started this blog as a secret place to write about sex and erotica that happens in my life in vivid detail. I wanted to make it as graphic as possible, while still being honest. I thought that a genuine recollection of sexual stories from a young man's point of view would be authentic amongst the scores of blogs out there written by women and hateful loser dudes. However I noticed that when I wrote genuine erotica it just came across as cheap, cheesy and formulaic. So I changed the tone and went for more of a blatantly cheesy angle with a tone reminiscent of Austin Powers. Eventually I have developed a prose that I would think is unique to only me. And thus I now believe that this blog is quite an interesting and unique place. I certainly haven't come across a blog that is remotely similar to mine in terms of context, content and tone. No blog I have seen shows the life of a playboy bachelor living in Japan quite the way I present it. I don't know any blog that deals with the issues and topics I cover, and no blog I have seen writes the way I write, as wacky as it is. For these reasons, I'm quite proud of what I have done here.
So, although after doing this for a few years now, I'm still surprised to get people visiting here and making comments. People from all around the world. I don't know how they find the blog since I don't advertise it or go out of my way to make it known, and although the numbers are decreasing gradually, (probably cause I don't update so much anymore), the amount of visitors I get is what I consider the perfect amount. Enough to make me feel that the time I take to put my thoughts and adventures into writing is reaching an audience of sorts, but not too many to the point that I feel I have to streamline what I write into something more suitable for a wider audience and modified too much from the original adventure to maintain anonymity.
Anywhoo... recently I got a few comments and questions from some people that have stumbled across this blog. I will deal with these comments in one big hit. As a side note, I do enjoy getting comments however I will remind readers that do so; if your comment is something that I deem as bullshit I will either not publish it, or publish it and not respond. How will you know what I consider BS and not? You won't. Sometimes I like tackling the deeper topics, and sometimes I just see them as a waste of time. But trust me when I say that I have 'better things to do' than respond to blatant negativity or be baited into some kind of online debate. And by "better things to do" I actually mean, "Take bong hits while watching streaming anime porn."
I'm totally just joking about the comment above. I don't stream anime porn at all.
I download it so I can save it and watch again later!
So on with the comments! I need to get this done quickly so I can get back to my anime version of 'Cute dominatrix Lolita sexual revenge master in mansion of house husband III'.
In response one of the most popular posts on this blog, "Love confessions", I recently got this;
I stumbled upon this two year old thing but...
...are you shitting me? It's a little disrespectful to expect someone to
have sex with you after two dates. Then you break up with her 'cause
she's not ready then and there? I mean, how little do you respect other
I understand that my point of view on this topic is rather unique and at first glance it would rub many people the wrong way. In fact most of what I write probably rubs people the wrong way and certainly would have disgusted the hell out of me if I read this when I was 18 years old. But I have changed a lot since then. I'm willing to guess that you are under the age of 25 and/or haven't had many sexual partners, at least as not as many as myself when I wrote that post. Two years on I still stand by what I said which I will clarify in detail now.
From your point of view I don't respect other people. On the contrary, I believe that I respect others a lot, but in a way that you might not be familiar with. Something that is important to me is good conversation, and sex. I write a sex blog so it should be obvious that I value sex much more than the average Joe. With this, I expect that a girl that is a good match for me will have at least one, if not two of these attributes; sex and conversation. If I can't enjoy a conversation with a girl, then there is only one thing left for me: sex. If I don't have either of those things, then I don't see how it is possible for me to have a relationship. The girl I wrote about in that post to illustrate that point wasn't fun to be around at all. Should I have just kept dating that girl and strung her along further only to ultimately break up with her out of dissatisfaction? Should I wait for her to really have an attachment to me before I do that? If I could foresee these events unfolding before they happen, and know that I'm only going to dump the girl when she eventually likes me, yet still do it anyway, wouldn't that make me more disrespectful than just cutting it short around the second date? To summarize, if a boring girl isn't interested in sleeping with me it indicates that we have nothing to offer each other and should end things and find more suitable partners. Respectfully. I also accept the other side of the coin in that many girls just don't take a liking to me and drop me there and then after one or two dates. If I were to think that every girl I dated disrespected me for not making her own autonomous choice to decide that she wasn't truly into me for whatever reason that is, (I have no clue why a girl wouldn't want to have a relationship with me. I'm blissfully ignorant of any reasons why this would be so. I am the shit), and never reply to my mails and and not answer my calls even though we have been on a date or two, then I would be a very angry and bitter person towards hundreds of girls now. I mean, sure, sometimes I think things go well and I expect that the girl will see me again and yet she drops all contact with me, and that is frustrating, but its part of being single. I think its healthier to let that shit go. I don't think that a girl has little respect for people for wanting to make her own choices for whatever reasons they are. And if she did go out with me despite not wanting to then I would see that as a lack of self-respect. A very unsexy quality that I often see when girls stick with a guy they hate out of obligation. I see these people as miserable losers failing at life and love.
In addition to the above, that girl I wrote about wanted me to commit to her more deeply than I was ready to, and state that I loved her. I'm not willing to lie about my emotions to lay a girl. I don't think it is fair to do that, in fact, I deem it as disrespectful. In my attempt to respect her, I called the relationship, if you could even call it that at that stage, off. I did this to respect her need to only sleep with someone who loves her. If that is what she really wants, it would be better for her find that in someone who can truly feel such strong emotions for a person after only speaking with them for a few hours spread over two dates and a few exchanged phone text messages, rather than myself who believes that love is a much stronger emotion that flows from a well a little deeper than a few surface interactions.
In addition to the above, that girl I wrote about wanted me to commit to her more deeply than I was ready to, and state that I loved her. I'm not willing to lie about my emotions to lay a girl. I don't think it is fair to do that, in fact, I deem it as disrespectful. In my attempt to respect her, I called the relationship, if you could even call it that at that stage, off. I did this to respect her need to only sleep with someone who loves her. If that is what she really wants, it would be better for her find that in someone who can truly feel such strong emotions for a person after only speaking with them for a few hours spread over two dates and a few exchanged phone text messages, rather than myself who believes that love is a much stronger emotion that flows from a well a little deeper than a few surface interactions.
to this 'sex is the only thing that counts' vibe I'm giving off above, good conversation, the kind of conversation that just flows
easily without me feeling that I'm pushing things along, doesn't come so
often (and is usually a predecessor of amazing sex). If I'm getting that
kind of conversational chemistry with a girl then I don't feel frustrated after just hanging out and talking. In fact I feel invigorated and inspired by it. To illustrate, a couple of
weeks ago I was at a party and got into a conversation with an elegant
and classy saleslady for an upscale brand who is a little older than
myself. The conversation made me feel like I was really communicating
with someone rather than just shooting off generic questions and
responses. I wanted to see her again, and she invited me to drink with
her coworkers which I was happy to do. It was fun. They were all excellent conversationalists with interesting backgrounds and good social banter. Following this, I invited her to my
place last night to cook for her. Now, if this date ended up with sex, I
would have been really stoked. If it didn't, I would still be happy that
I spent my time with someone cool. As it turns out I had some fucking
electric sex unlike any I have had in a very very long time! Damn last night
was good! Solid hot sex!
I think the main point of conflict most people have with me is my point of view in regards to sex. From where I stand, I see sex as such a good thing that should be done as much as possible. To me, it's basically free delicious chocolate that has no calories whatsoever. You eat it, it tastes good, you feel good, and you have no guilt about what you did because there are no calories! Why wouldn't I want some of this amazing thing called sex? Everyone should be having it as much as possible!
However it seems that a lot of the attitude people have towards sex is less liberated. It seems that many see it as something of a legally binding contract that has so many strings and hidden obligations attached to it, people are cautious of doing it through fear of regret. On top of this, people believe that if a women were to enjoy sex too much, or have sex quickly with someone she is highly attracted to physically, then she would be a *slut: a negative term. Its such a restrained belief system that manifests itself with women making absolutely arbitrary rules and ideals about how soon they will have sex with a guy, what kind of guy they will sleep with, and how the guy should feel about them before they fuck, ("he has to say he loves me and give a real love confession" etc.). Fuck that restrictive crap! Make your own choices and live by your own terms. And while I'm on a rant, fuck the term 'love confession', like feeling love is a crime and we have to 'confess' to it. The guilt people have surrounding sex stems from semantically crap terms like these.
*Sure, I throw that word 'slut' around a hell of a lot on this blog, but that is
done to artistic expression and should be read with satirical humor kept in mind, not a representation of any
feelings of contempt towards women.
The next comment comes from my formspring;
No doubt you have game, and surely the blonde hair/blue eyes are about the best attributes a foreign guy could have. Wondering height/weight/build/junk size (categorical is fine)/sexual stamina? These must also play a role in success, esp. repeats, etc.
The next comment comes from my formspring;
No doubt you have game, and surely the blonde hair/blue eyes are about the best attributes a foreign guy could have. Wondering height/weight/build/junk size (categorical is fine)/sexual stamina? These must also play a role in success, esp. repeats, etc.
If you think I have game, wait to you see me tiger uppercut your ass in street fighter 4! Woot!
Jokes about games aside, is blond hair and blue eyes really the best attributes a foreign guy can have in Japan? When I look around me I see all the hot girls with guys who have dark hair and dark eyes: Japanese guys. So, sorry... I have to disagree with you on this. If you still feel this to be true, buy a bottle of bleach and make your hair blond, while you are at it, buy some colored contacts. You will soon see that having the best attributes one can have are readily available for less than $20. It might be a total game changer for you. I recently dyed mine black and found it to work much better for me.
As far as my build goes, although tall in comparison to Asians, I'm pretty much average height for a Caucasian and clock in around 182cm/6ft. I have a very slight frame that is very difficult for me to add mass to and as a result I often got a lot of people commenting on how skinny I was when I was growing up. Being an emotionally unstable teenager with 'issues', as we all are at that age, I ended up developing a strong complex about this during high school and college. Instead of lying down and letting it get me depressed I did something about it and ended up spending an incredible amount of time at the gym lifting weights. I believe it was a good way to spend my time. Most (but not all) of the muscle I developed remains and my body hasn't changed an incredible amount since I was 23. I don't go to a gym now but do various things to keep in shape. Body weight exercises and of course being cautious and disciplined with the way I eat. At the age I'm at now if I just do whatever with food like I used to, I end up amassing a beer gut whilst maintaining super skinny legs and forearms. Thus looking like E.T.
Not hot.
My junk size is average white guy junk size. At least I think it is. I haven't played compare the junk size with other dudes since I was 5 years old. I have nothing much further to add on the junk size topic. Hahaha!
Junk size! Funny when you use it more than two times in one paragraph.
So like I often refer to, the amount of flings I have is far outweighed by the flings that were never able to happen cause the girl flaked out on me. Were the ones that never happened a result of my appearance? I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not. I'm more likely to want to know the answer to that than to really pry deep into why it is that the girls who like me in fact do so. Usually the girls who I hook up with say its cause I'm fun to be around or because although flawed, I'm a good person at heart. The majority rarely mention my eye color as a main point. Except for one 19 year old who I was hooking up with recently. But she was a total SLUT! Hahahaha! I really hope you catch the humor I'm trying infuse in these long dry posts. I'm only doing it to keep you on your toes.
I wrote a post about leaving Kansai here called saying goodbye where I wrote about hooking up with two girls in the same night and another the next day and only now found this comment relating to it in my spam folder. I have no idea why it was sent there. Possibly the lack of punctuation?
This made me feel sad Normal and below average looking people don't get these dorama-esque sexy problems Should I get plastic surgery or something
Are you a man or a woman?
If you are a man and you are that concerned about your appearance I suggest you exercise and eat healthily. Go to the gym and add some muscle tone to your arms, chest and legs. It will make you look better in the clothes you wear. Cosmetic surgery will only make you look altered at best and give you a quick fix ego boost, likely to collapse the moment anyone realizes what you did and calls you out on it. Lifting heavy shit day in and day out over an extended period of time will make you look more like a man, and give you the mindset of a man who overcomes obstacles with focus and determination, which is overall much more sexy than an altered baby who hasn't truly stepped up to deal with his shortcomings. Don't be a bitch. Lift heavy shit.
If you are a girl, I also recommend you workout by lifting heavy shit. If you think that picking up a weight is going to instantly turn you into a green mass of refined masculinity, AKA, Incredible Hulk, and destroy your delicate female traits, you are overlooking the massive middle ground that lies in between and completely underestimating the absolutely massive amount of time, work and steriods it takes for a human to get that sort of body aside from being stuck in a tragic radioactive green experiment leaving you and your alter ego irreversibly terrifying. Working out will only make you way hot. Even doing body weight exercises that Zuzana has plenty of videos about on youtube will do you wonders (do a search). Have you seen her do one leg pistol squats? Damn she is hardcore. And way hot. After you have done that and crafted that kind of body, and you are still considering cosmetic surgery, I suggest you go for breast implants first. There is no denying that us men love tits.
With all that said however, I think you want to be the center of your own drama rather than actually become better looking. It's this desire to be the center of attention rather than peacefully go with the flow that probably stops you short of getting into the cool situations that would result in something exciting happening. I know plenty of guys much better looking than me who are just total fags that never get laid because of these reasons. No one wants to be around them. I also know plenty of guys that might be deemed less physically attractive to a certain type of woman than myself, but are still very attractive to a different type of girl that I have absolutely no chance with. These guys have plenty of drama stories to tell and every time I talk to them its something different with some kind of dire consequence. They just don't write about it on a blog, ad are able to live exciting romantic lives because they are cool to be around and just go with the flow without making any hard and fast rules that would have people label them as 'difficult'. In my time I have noticed that different girls are physically attracted to different things in a man, but all of that physical attraction disappears into thin air and becomes nothing if the guy is a bitch.
That's all for now folks, have a lovely week and enjoy this fresh Autumn weather while it lasts!