Friday, 29 January 2010

Are you a naturally social person?

Hypothetical Situation;

Lets take the coolest guy in town 'Chad', the champion of his high school sports team, the guy who banged the hot chicks and went to every party and was admired by all, the same guy who could walk into a room and speak to anyone about anything and have a great time, the really naturally social guy- let's take him and put him in a dark room of solitary confinement with only a computer to play some role playing game. Let's leave him there for the rest of his college years. There he will sit and fester day in day out with no one to talk to. No social interactions. Then, let's suddenly take him out and throw him into a party with people he doesn't know. How will he react? How naturally sociable will he be?

Let's take his unsociable geek little brother 'Charlie' and lock him out of his room. Lock him away from his computer and his shell of comfort and security. Let's take him everyday to a bar or a party where he has to interact and be sociable with people. Let's get him a job where he has to talk to people, day in day out. Then after his older brother has come out of solitary confinement let's reunite them at the same big party.

Who will appear more socially savvy? Who will know what topics are hot to talk about? Who will seem calm and at ease amongst the crowd of people and who will be tense and uncomfortable?
Who appears to be the naturally socially savvy guy that draws the attention of women?

Let's take a look at 2 girls now.

'Hilary'; she got a lot of attention when she was young and into her teenage years she started developing her feminine qualities a little sooner than the other girls. Her breasts were a little bigger and she got more attention, especially from the older guys. With this increase in attention she had to know how to react and 'naturally' learned to develop ways of interacting with guys. As she got invited to do more stuff with the older guys whom she thought were cute, she wanted to impress so she started to do research on makeup in magazines. She started wearing more provocative clothing cause it helped put the attention on her. The attention she received from guys helped validate her self esteem. She spent a lot of time around guys and was comfortable talking to them and found them most interesting when they were good looking and fashionable.

'Sarah'; is 'Hilary's little sister. She found herself out of the limelight when her sister was around. She never got much attention for her appearance, but her grades at school were good. She got a lot of encouragement from her teachers to do well. Her parents even called her "the brains of the family." She really wanted to continue to receive validation, uphold her image and not let everyone down so she spent more time studying than concerning herself with diet, fashion, make up and boys.

These two sisters went to the same party with 'Chad' and 'Charlie'. Physically, the two brothers resemble each other. The main difference in their aesthetic is that the older brother 'Chad', wears clothes that were cool 4 years ago before he shut himself off and lived the life of a geek. He has pale skin, unkempt hair, acts fidgety and appears somewhat creepy. Younger brother 'Charlie' is chilled out, has fashionable clothing, a haircut that suits him, dances like no one is watching and is enjoying himself amongst the crowd of strangers.

The two girls also resemble each other also. They have both finished high school and are both adults with fully developed female bodies. The difference in their aesthetic is that while 'Hilary's manufactured look has a cute skirt, long styled hair and make up that accentuates her natural beauty, her sister 'Sarah' has unfashionable "comfortable" clothing. She wears glasses to help her see clearly because she is not bothered with contacts. She also is a little heavier than big sister because she doesn't pay as much attention to what she eats and long study sessions make her hungry so she binges a little.

Who is going to be drawn to who? Who is going to naturally click with who? My money is on 'Charlie' hooking up with 'Hilary'. Although 'Hilary' is more superficial and fake and spent a ton of time and money being a total boy crazy geek trying to impress guys, she is hotter and easier to talk to. 'Charlie' is now fashionable, cool, less awkward and can roll with having a conversation. 'Chad' the high school football star has lost his appeal cause he ain't playing football anymore and is just creepy while the geek girl 'Sarah' isn't appealing to anyone because she is too uptight and simply not attractive. They hook up with no one.

In Japan, I notice most people are really shy, socially awkward, and in a lot of ways, pretty creepy. Of course this is interesting in itself, and is one of the reasons I enjoy living here. What I am saying is that behavior, social or antisocial, is a result of the circumstances in which you are exposed. Japanese people often lose exposure to large social settings when they join the company. While the college kids are cool, hanging out in groups and doing club activities, unless they get a job in sales or mizushoubai, I expect them to loose their savvy.

In the beginning of my story, 'Chad' was naturally drawn to being social because for him it was fun whereas for his geek little brother it wasn't good because people didn't notice him. It's more fun to be at home. Same deal for the girls. 'Hilary' likes to go out and be social cause it gives her more validation while her sister can get more validation from being scholarly. If you change their circumstances, their behavior becomes altered, naturally(?). Like the winners of national talent contests that used to be humble and charmingly awkward who become phony once they hit the limelight, Sarah and Charlie too could become hot and sociable should their circumstances change.

What kind of person are you? What circumstances have you been placed in? Did you choose your circumstances? Do you want to change them? Can they change?

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Why is Al Pacino sexy? Part 2

When I started this blog I opened up a simple question- Why is Al Pachino Sexy?
I never got around to making a hazard guess at answering that question but I will today.

Al is a man that acts with conviction. He decides what to do and what to say and acts with force. He isn't mumbling what he is thinking to whoever is around him, he is making concise decisions about what to say and he says them powerfully with conviction. He is also a man of action. He doesn't say something and not do it. In the movies, he says he will do something and he does it. He puts his money where his mouth is, then deals with the fallout after.

He doesn't talk shit. He doesn't talk about meaningless crap that no one wants to hear. If it isn't relevant to the listener he will take that into consideration and not say it. It's simple. Less is more with Al. If he has nothing good to say, he keeps his mouth shut. Filling silence is an art that everyone should learn to do, but it is not always necessary. Just enjoy the silence sometimes.

He doesn't try to crack stupid jokes. He doesn't eliminate being amusing from his life however. He knows that he doesn't need to be straining himself to make effort. I see this happen too much. The thing about western girls is that they will tell you when your jokes suck. I see guys around the workplace putting pressure on some Japanese women to laugh at their stupid jokes. They give a fake laugh, then they complain about him as soon as he leaves.

Al laughs when it is funny. When you see and hear Al laugh, you know the shit is truly funny. He is not laughing at dumb crap. He is not laughing out of nervousness. He decides what is funny to him and he lets it out. Whilst he can have a laugh, he isn't exactly Mr.Positivity. But that is ok because he isn't a dreary negative sad ass that complains and argues about crap.

He doesn't get caught up in other people's petty meaningless bullshit. He doesn't take part in it if it's not relevant to him. Have you seen 'Glengary Glen Ross'? He is absolutely not concerned about whatever it is that the other people are doing, he cares about doing his shit, and getting it done. Being focused and passionate about some cause is what many women say they find attractive in guys.

Al doesn't take shit. He doesn't let anyone walk over him. He will stop them in their tracks and let them know that they are stepping the line. He is assertive in commanding respect from the men he deals with and the women also. You know where you stand with him, and when the characters are on his side they are comforted to know that they are. Especially the women.

When I look around and compare guys that don't get laid with Al Pacino I notice some big differences. What?
Weak guys don't act with conviction, they are afraid to take chances, they talk about doing things and don't do them, they talk long winded meaningless crap that tires the listener. They crack shit jokes, they laugh out of nervousness, they dwell too long on negative topics, they get worked up over meaningless shit, then they do nothing about it other than complain. They take no action and if they do it's stupid action. They have no interests or passion outside of being a spectator of sport and they let people walk over them.

Japanese women complain to me that long ago there were wars that made Japanese men strong. But now there are no wars, Japanese men are becoming weak. I tell them it's not limited to Japan, all men are becoming weak.

We must remember to step outside of our comfort zone in order to grow and get closer to a cause we believe. Step away from the TV set sports game, computer game, whatever, and travel to a different country where you don't speak the language. Date a model who's in the mafia, drive her sports car with the top down and drink the champagne she bought you straight from the bottle. Have sex in a plane, a forest an alleyway, wherever. Take some fucking action and deal with the fallout. Deal with it. If it doesn't kill us, the experience will only make us grow stronger.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Love confessions

I remember when I was still new to Japan and still new to dating girls in Japan. I had a lot of learning to do in the area of culture and especially dating culture. Something that I wasn't used to was the 告白 or 'love confession'. In fact, I'm still not at all used to this concept and I don't like it.

I had been on 2-3 dates with a 26 year old. I was probably 23 at the time. We had made out a lot and she had been over to my place and things had progressed towards sex, but not all the way. One night we were drinking with friends at a bar and I felt the timing and mood was right for us to head towards home. I offered her to come to my place but she stopped me and said, "I can not go with you cause you will try to have sex with me. I can't have sex because you don't seem to love me."

It was so serious, intense and presumptuous I started to laugh, but at that same moment some saliva got caught in my windpipe and I just started choking and coughing. I was turning red and struggling to breathe yet with every inhale I managed to get into my lungs, out came profuse laughter spiked with coughing. It was embarrassing and hilarious at the same time. Tears were welling up in my eyes and sweat started to perspire from my forehead.

In the west, we don't meet someone and then fall in love with them after hanging out 2-3 times, especially in the absolute party environment I had been in before I came to Japan. This is just not a concept that occurs. Even in the movies some sort of drama will occur between the hero and heroine before they realize their differences, accept them and fall for each other. I had a couple of dates with this grown woman and she wouldn't come over to my place because I didn't love her?

After I had recovered from my coughing seizure and regained my composure I responded from instinct without thinking about her position or her reason to say what she had said. Insensitively enough I said, "Of course I don't love you. We only just met. Do you expect me to love you already? Do you love me?"
She gave a shock horror, "No." response that told me she was a bit embarrassed about what she had asked or implied for me to be feeling. I was very gun-ho about my principles back in the day and gave her the serious straight talk there and then;

"There are a few things that I look for in a relationship. One of them is trust and another is being able to have a good time with the other person. I also think a very important thing for me in a relationship is sex. If you aren't interested in enjoying sex with me, I don't think we should be together. I will still respect you as a friend however. Goodnight."

And I promptly said goodbye to entertaining a grown woman who should have been mature enough to realize she wasn't living in a Disney movie. Funnily enough she called me up suggesting to meet for sex, but I was too awkward about the whole thing and just politely refused. She later bumped into me at a social setting and kinda hassled me a bit but I was with someone else romantically and had lost all interest in her.

Now that I know what I do about Japanese culture and how important it is to create a superficial face in order to communicate effectively, I rethink the way I handled that situation. Going through a superficial procedure of what is expected to be be said, might have worked best. Really, the girl wanted some positive reassurance before she got into anything too deep. This is to say, she wanted a 告白 or 'love confession'.

I don't like this idea because it holds me to make some sort of monogamous commitment towards the girl, even if I don't know her well enough to make that level of commitment while she makes none. With the love confession, I feel I have to throw away my sense of virility and sexual allure that is what a single man is. If I find that the girl is not really my type, and I want to date someone else, and do so, I will be a cheating bastard and she has reason to hate me because of my character faults. It is much easier to blame a guy's character rather than look inside at your own character and ask why he cheated in the first place. Why wasn't he satisfied? What did you do to actually keep him interested?

Another thing I don't like about Love confessions is the fact that I have to say things that are in-genuine to me. I think each person's concept of love is different and mine is also pretty vague, but by saying, "I love you. Please go out with me." to a girl before she can justify sleeping with me is low. Conversely, it is expected and the number one thing I hear from Japanese girls in their list of things they want in life is someone who loves them, not necessarily someone they love. Next on the list is to raise their child to be the best. No dreams of their own. That is the role of women here. They need to have a fucking female power revolution and stand up if you ask me.

Anyhow, I'm starting to think that the girls I really want are hard to get, not because I'm not cool enough, but simply because I don't play their game well enough. I think that this love confession is somehow needed or at least expected and if I don't do it the girl will feel like a slut that has sex just for fun and not for love. I dated a handful of good looking girls after my breakup last year and they faded out, partially cause I wasn't entirely interested in mailing them all the time, and I'm also guessing it's because I didn't do a love confession. I'm a guy that is happy to sleep around, but I want to know what I'm getting into before I make a commitment like that.

In a sense I do love each girl I want to sleep with, the way that I love all nature and beauty, but not in an exclusive western monogamous ideal. Should I just lie and say "I love you" to a girl so we can enjoy sex together?

Monday, 25 January 2010

A week of 'hit on'

Last week I was 'hit on' a few times and I hit on a girl or two myself.

I say 'hit on' and not 'pick up' because to me they are different. 'Hit on' is more of a girl way of showing interest without actually pulling the trigger and making any moves such as kissing or asking for a phone number. I consider 'pick up' to mean that you actually exchange phone numbers or something more concrete in that direction.

First one was Tuesday when I saw Avatar at the cinema by myself. After the movie I came out and started to walk home and a girl came racing after me and asked me if I was some guy called, 'Finkie' or something of the sort. She was speaking to me in English and her pronunciation of English was clearly from that of a Chinese person. I told her that I wasn't her guy and I began to talk to her and we talked about the movie and each other and whatever else and she asked for my phone number. She wasn't really that cute but kinda interesting person. I haven't and most likely won't contact her.

On Wednesday I bumped into a chick from my building at a bar. We got talking about a few things. She's recently become single so I guess she's looking for something or at least she is testing her options. I wouldn't really count this as her hitting on me so much as us hitting on each other and flirting with the idea of it. She is so cute and エッチ (I know she is エッチ because she told me so herself). We exchanged phone numbers and made plans to meet and do some photography/modeling. She wants to take a picture of me and redesign it or something. She does graphic art work.

On Thursday on my way home I stopped at a traffic light and a girl came up to me and said, "イケメン." Which basically means, "You're hot" in English. After that she just kinda looked at me. She was kinda cute and looked to be about 19 at max. Her friends were near her also and they started giggling at their friend. Maybe she thought I couldn't understand or something. Either way I started talking to her and tried to get some banter going but she just got freaked out and shy. I have to throw down some hate here cause this kind of situation is so annoying cause it happens often enough. Girls get pissed off at guys who try to pick them up but aren't good at it so I can do the same to them (even though this girl wasn't trying to pick me up). You see a guy. You think he is hot. You tell him so, and he starts to talk to you and you freak out. Good Job.

No 'hit ons' on Friday except for the arty chick visiting me.

Saturday I have plans to meet the arty chick again but this time she wants to meet really late. I get drunk as fuck with some friends and I end up hitting on a girl in a bar. The cool thing about this is that when I was talking to her she was leaning into me and rubbing her breasts on my hand. She did it a bit too much for it to be accident so I just helped her out and started rubbing them for her. This was in the middle of a crowded bar but because we were so close talking to each other no one would be any the wiser. I got her mail address. She wasn't so cute but had a great rack*. Just great. I got a message from arty chick and I had to leave. We met about 12.30. I had to work Sunday. I was tired and DRUNK. We came to my apartment and I started making out with her and she stopped me and said, "I didn't come here for that." I'm wondering why the hell she came to my apartment at 12.30 on a Saturday night. I tell her that I'm drunk and tired and if she doesn't want to kiss me that is cool. But I'm gonna sleep. She says that because she usually goes to bed at 4am she will just be bored so she is gonna leave. That sounds like a good idea to me but I make a fake resistance saying something like, "No. Stay. Please." which she declines. Cool. I pass the fuck out. She usually contacts me a billion times a day, but hasn't done so since. I guess she wants me to make more commitment and do more 'boyfriend' date stuff with her.
*Girls think it is low class and don't like it when I objectify them or their body parts. They need to recognize that they do the exact same thing as me with the men they are interested in.

Sunday was yesterday. A student asked If I wanted chocolate for Valentines Day. I replied that I most certainly did. She said that if I accept I have to promise to marry her. I said that I would marry her if she gave me a house. She said she would give me a computer instead. We joked back and forth on this topic lightheartedly for a short while. She is a 21yo with the largest breasts I have seen on a Japanese girl in real life. She is chubby and so-so cute. She is also so damn funny. She makes me laugh which is rare. I would never go out with her as long as she is taking lessons with me and paying my bills. This kind of conversation happens pretty regularly with any number of different students so I usually forget about them but I made note of this one for the sake of this blog. I remember it most clearly because it was the last lesson I taught and I felt particularly awkward during the talk of marriage. Yuck.

After work I went to a dinner party where there were a lot of new faces. There was an exotic bubbly South American girl and her friend; a thin South American guy that was really chatty and sociable. He had the subtle nuances about him that made me think he was perhaps gay. He was very easy to talk to and since I'm also pretty easy to talk to we had a pretty good, but short conversation. At the end of it he told me that he was going out clubbing and made the gesture shown in the photo whilst saying, "Would you like to come with us?"

Is that gay code?

Either way, I ravenously love women only and I was pretty tired and hung over so I declined. If he was gay and he thought me to be gay too (it happens) this one, of all the 'hit ons' during the week, was the smoothest (although not smooth enough to make me change teams). Making me think that men are better at picking up and hitting on people than girls are.
Girls seem to only wait and hope for the best then criticize their options from a spectator seat. If the guy doesn't pull the trigger they are at a loss and have to only continue to wait for 'Mr.Right' to come along. It's pretty passive and powerless. Especially when 'Mr.Right' who has the charm to grab any lady, can and will, grab any lady. There are some women out there who go after what they want and I have nothing but respect for them. They are the exception, not the rule.

On the way home in the train, I was talking to another of the party attendees and exchanged contact details. She was really bubbly and had a kind of restrained sexy look like that of a young drunk librarian, if you could imagine such a random image.

I love being a foreign guy in Japan.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Cute New Arty Bi lingual girl

I like this girl. Cute girl. She is easy to communicate with and has things to say. She isn't freaked out because I'm foreign and she says cool shit.

The other day we played "DJ the house down", which is a game I invented. Basically I put on a song from youtube and then the next participant (her) puts on the next song. You have to try to keep the flow going by matching mood and genre or whatever. Without being too into myself, I would say I kickass at this game. Mostly cause I put on wicked music that I want to hear ;) , but I love to play it with new people cause I get to hear their style and I also get to enjoy new stuff. Her style is pretty artsy eclectic. I respect it more than I like it, that being that I wouldn't really listen to the stuff too much alone.
It was fun with her. She ended up sabotaging the game and just put on stuff she wanted to hear which was cool cause I sabotaged her plans of listening to stuff she wanted to hear by having sex with her. That was the second sex meeting for us. Better than the first time cause we are still getting to know each other.

She is vegan and that's cool cause it's interesting and we can enjoy eating vegetable dishes. I didn't mind dropping the meat at all when I ate with her. Meat is not a necessity that I need on every meal so I roll with it easily. She calls and messages too much for me to reply to cause I have a job but it's kinda cool. I'm guessing she is going to be like a lot of early 20yo's; become infatuated and suck up my free time for a short span, maybe 2 months then lose interest and move on. Keeping her interested is something I would do if she were more glamorous and had more money to spend on me.

Saw a movie by myself at the cinema last night and got gyaku'd on the way out by a chinese girl. Skinny and young, but not so cute so I don't think I'll follow it up.
One of the chicks in my building is so doable but so close to home. I think she wants to try it on. She gave me her email tonight. See how it plays out.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Thailand part 6- the final- Bangkok

It seems to be impossible for a traveler to talk to any non cut-throat business person trying to take a bite in Bangkok. I'm sure there are people that aren't out there for the money only, but I don't seem to encounter them on my travels. Everything you want to buy has an unfixed price that has to be negotiated, even the taxis. It doesn't bother me now, but I'm sure it would get on my nerves after a while.

We are trying to get to some club that has normal people in it so we can enjoy dancing and mingling with the locals. The taxi driver tells us that the club is closed and will take us to another place instead. We think it's some scam and 'next' him and move onto the next taxi. Same story here too. Whatever, let's just go. We arrive and enter. Inside this place it opens to a large expansive hall with a catwalk like stage in the center that runs the length of the hall. There is an upstairs balcony area also, and right now the club is mostly empty and the only person dancing on the stage is a Mediterranean looking guy with his hair slicked back as it seems to be the fashionable thing to do when you are an olive skinned man.

I slam a shot and start dancing to the music with my friends and as they mosey off in different directions to mingle, I just rock out by myself. I end up trancing out and just keep it up for the next 3 hours while still drinking a few drinks here and there. It's early morning, I'm super happy and I'm not tired at all but I do go to the back of the club to have a water and decide it's time to try to make a move on some chicks. The club is pretty full now, and that's where I see the hottest girl I've seen in like, forever. She's wearing denim jean shorts with a simple top showing her belly. Her hair is super long and curly. She's talking on her cell phone while her friend is talking to some guy. I wonder how she can do it since it's so loud. I realize that I have to talk to this girl, no matter what. Actually, great chariots of burning fire could be pulling me in the opposite direction and they still couldn't stop me from talking to this chick. I have to, have to talk to her at least a little. I stand there waiting for her to get off the phone trying not to look too conspicuous.

My friend comes up to me and asks me if I have seen any nice girls. I point to the dream girl. He tells me to go talk to her and I tell him that I'm waiting for her to get off the phone. He says, "Fuck that pussy shit! Walk up to her, take her phone from her hands, close it, and 'game' her!"
"I dunno man, it's kinda rude to just cut off a girl in the middle of a phone conversation."
"She's in a club! She should be having a good time not talking on a phone! Show her a good time!"
"I dunno."
"DO IT! DO IT! DO IT! I'm gonna stand here telling you to do it until you do it."
"OK, shut up. I'm going."
I walk over and smile a meek shy smile and she looks at me and flashes the cutest smile ever! I motion for her to hang up with a gesture of my hand because I don't want to be too imposing. She is holding her phone in her right hand so with her left hand she grabs the right side of my chest, finds my nipple and starts to NIPPLE CRIPPLE the SHIT out of my nipple. It fucking hurts BAD! I start laughing my ass off cause it is just so unexpected and swipe her hand away. She turns her back to me. I walk back to my friend and tell him what happened and we are laughing. He says, "Well at least you tried."
I've heard that before.
I'm just glad she was holding the phone in her right hand cause she would have got my nipple piercing if she went to the other side. I bet she has a brother or two in her family. These Thai chicks are spicy!
I wanna try to talk with her again and smooth things over but we see some model hot girls by the entrance and decide to game on.
One of them notices us and grabs her friend's attention to point us out. I get close to the tallest one and do one of my smoothest ice breakers ever, "You're pretty!"
No reaction.
Maybe it's not that smooth after all. Whatever. She says to me, "Where you stay?"
I'm like, "uuhhmmm... hotel? huh? What did you say now?"
She says, "We go there now."
"5000 baht. We go."
God damn! Is every women everywhere in this country a hooker? Damn. I'm so let down and just want to be real for at least one night of my holiday. Her price is 5X the going rate and I don't want to pay a single anything for her. I'm a little tipsy, and thus a little arrogant. I let out a laugh and say, "Look at me!"
She looks and says, "4000"
I say, "No you don't understand. That's not what I'm saying. Look at me."
She's kinda shy to look at me but she holds up 3 fingers and tries to do a cutesy smile. Indeed, she is good looking. But I was having too much fun dancing and I don't really need to have sex. She grabs my hand and puts it on her waist. She has a tight waist. So do I, so what? "3000 baht." She says again. I have another friend next to me and he doesn't realize the whole exchange that is going on so I let him in on it. He tells me to offer her 1000, see what she says. Seems interesting enough.
"1000 baht." I say into her ear. She laughs at my offer and says, "Darling, I. AM. A. MODEL."
Whilst pointing to her head which has become over inflated with her own ego. So big that it surpasses all of my overcharged alcohol fueled narcissism. I point to some old ださい looking guy that has メタボ and say, "There's your money!"

She actually goes for him and he is all about it in like, a second, and they are leaving and she is grabbing one of her friends to go with her before I realize 'what-the-shit(?)' happened. The girls were in a group of three and one of them is being left behind. A human tug-o-war ensues right before our eyes where the girl being left behind grabs hold of the girl who is being pulled to go with the old dude and her friend. We are laughing our asses off and not holding back on being obvious about it. The girl ends up going with the guy- and my friend grabs the attention of the girl who is left behind, only to draw a crying tear line down the side of his face with his finger to tease her. She pushes him away in a matter that says- 'fuck off I don't need your bullshit ironic sympathy; I'm a model too.'

I get tired and taxi it home unescorted by the company of any club call girls.

The final day we decide to take a peek inside one of the fishbowl places out of curiosity just before we head to the airport. It's about 11am and I have only 400 baht left. We enter this huge palace looking place and immediately feel out of place. It is a grand spacious establishment that has that just noticeable faux luxury look about it. Expensive but cheapish. I look about me and notice that the interior second floor that is viewable from the lobby has human sized glass windows and behind them, green curtains. I wonder what is behind those curtains? I wonder what happens to this place at night time? I pull out my camera as fast as I can possibly manage and start taking snaps before anyone can stop me. My friend is asking the desk clerk about prices- 4000 and upwards they go. Just then they notice my camera and come racing over to stop me, but it's too late! HAHA!

We go to some other place and they say a massage is 400baht for 2 hours. Sweet. I can use all my remaining money before I leave and not have to worry about the pressure of 'Special' cause I don't have any extra money. We all agree with each other to get a massage for one hour only because we need to get to the airport.
We go and sit down and behind this large looking glass there are girls sitting around. The blue painted wall behind them has fish painted on it also......
I'm not comfortable at all, but I see a chick that looks like a certain Japanese celebrity, minus the glamor and class. "Number 7." I tell the front staff. We go to a room and I tell her that I only have 1 hour and only enough money for the massage. That is all. She understands, but she doesn't, if you know what I mean. It's like, why did I come if I don't want 'special'? Well, I just wanted to see it from the inside and I do like massages. Especially from sexy ladies.

She starts trying to persuade me and I ask her to take off her top instead. She doesn't like that. Whatever. She tells me to use American dollars. I tell her I'm from Japan. She say's I don't look Japanese but I can use Japanese money. I have none. Whatever- use a credit card and we fuck is the main point she is getting across. She wants to fuck, and she wants my money for it. I just want to see her tits and don't want any dirty hooker breath on me. I say "No."

She seems upset, confused and a little pissed. She continues the sensual massage anyway. She is good looking, older than me I'm sure but very well maintained. Yea, she is attractive. After some time she turns around and I see her from behind. Sexy Back. Damn Sexy back. Inner turmoil grips me. I do have a credit card. It's too hard to resist, her back is too sexy. I suck. We go into rapid negotiations and come up with a 1500 baht decision.

She wastes no time taking off my clothes and going straight for my cock with her mouth. I'm not hard yet at all, but with her gentle pressure that increases slowly, obviously from her seasoned skill, she gets me hard pretty damn quick. I'm amazed. Like seriously. I might be the one and only guy out there that is not all that into head jobs, but when someone who can suck dick well, sucks my dick well, I get amazed.

She takes off her top and her denim skirt that seems to be in vogue right now in Thailand and underneath she is wearing some seriously cute black and red lace number. She straddles me, but holds my cock on the outside while she starts to get intimate with my ear. I'm playing with her breasts and I notice a wetness on my legs coming from her. I guess she wants to take it a step further cause she pulls out a condom, wraps me up and rides onto me.

We continue to get to know each other in a number of various styles and positions and she hits her climax while saying 'fuck me' in English which is intertwined with a bunch of other Thai phrases. It sends me over the edge also. After we have cum, she holds me into her and doesn't let me go. There, she is gyrating her hips slowly. I've never had a girl do this before but she seems to be enjoying herself with her head tilted back and eyes closed. Eventually she opens her eyes and starts giggling. When I pull out of her she is very interested in my condom, as the other call girls seemed to be also, but this one got very happy when she saw that I had cum. I don't know why. I hadn't been faking it, that's for sure.

I meet the others down in the lobby and we take a plane back to Japan.

There finishes my Thai experience, at least all that I feel like sharing. A lot of other cool stuff happened that was not related to sex, and some other cool stuff that was related to sex. From what I have written I hope that some people can get the general gist of what it's like to be a foreign guy traveling there. Overall, it was fun. But that is mostly because I experienced a lot of different things for the first time. I doubt something like this would be as random and intense the second time around, purely because I would know what to expect.

Monday, 18 January 2010

What is your ideal type?

I like to date a woman with similar interests to me. The thing is, I have only one interest; myself. If she likes me, she's in!

One of my beautiful coworkers asked me this question not long ago and it got me thinking. First of all, why are all my coworkers so hot? Every single one of them would make most men lose composure and step over their own mothers to get a piece. Secondly, what is my ideal type?

I used to be all about model hot rich girls with sports cars but now I've been there done that I have different feelings.

Now when I think about it, I want to be dating a girl that I can enjoy my time with easily while still being pushed to to make an effort with her. I want to want to make her laugh, and I want to try to have to charm her. I want to be pushing myself to be a better person, the best person I can be, to make her happy and to make her work to stay cute for me. I want to be able to flirt with her, even though we are dating. Every time we meet, I want to be thinking about new and interesting ways to try and seduce her. I want to look her in the eyes, say something romantic and make her giggle and blush. I want her to think about meeting me and think about how she can dress up to be hot or cute. I want to rock her world! Above all I want to be able to PLAY with her.

If I can go to a park or beach and draw a circle in the dirt and say, "We are sumo wrestlers. The first person to fall or leave the circle is the LOSER." and have her join me, I am happy. If I am walking in the street and we pass a bar that has jazz playing into the street and I decide that we need to stop out the front of the bar and dance on the street, and she giggles and joins me, I am happy. If we are chilling in my apartment and I want to boogie to James Brown in my underwear whilst swigging wine from the bottle and she does too, we are the coolest funk cats ever. If I decide that we are funk cats and need to do cat screams- so be it.

I also want to be able to dress up and dress down without her losing her cool. If I can go to an expensive and posh place and dress up in a nice suit and she can wear something elegant with class and style and we turn every head in the place, then it means we are hot. If I can go enjoy outdoor activity where there is dirt and sweat and no room for being all pretty, and she can enjoy herself, then I might fall in love. If she can chill in a bar and hang with my guy friends and not get all scared, it shows she is cool.

I guess one of the greatest things a girl can do to keep herself in the picture with any guy is to bring something to the table besides just her cuteness. Of course this is not essential because a lot of guys want to lead and control the situation, but if a girl makes plans for us to meet and comes up with some cool ideas for things we can do together, how can I say no?

"I found a place where we can play table tennis and sing karaoke in the same room! They serve drinks too! Let's get drunk, sing and play table tennis. Then maybe we can......エッチ!"

That's hot.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Thailand part 5- New years eve

'Pretty' and 'Beautiful' are not good adjectives to use on objects such as 'boy' or 'man'. I feel I need to educate the world on this starting with my friends and the people I meet cause it seems to be following me around like a weird smell. Not necessarily bad, but not real good either. We are in the street and the chick I payed for the other night has raced out of her bar and is up in my one of my friend's faces telling him to come into the bar. She is, for one reason or another ignoring me. He takes the initiative to generate attention towards me, perhaps only to get her off his back though. Fair enough.
"Why are you getting angry at me? I brought you a beautiful man." He says to her, gesturing towards me.
"Cheers homey. Don't we say 'handsome' man' though?"
I had put on a suit to see the evening out in style and when I came into the lobby of our hotel the chicks working there suddenly adorned an excessive amount of attention on me. They were admiring the suit and unbuttoning my shirt from one button below 'sleazy amount of visible chest' to 'tacky sleaze supreme'. I had enough chest hair showing to look like a cheap whiteboy wanna be pimp from the 70's. I said, "don't you think it's a bit old school to be wearing a shirt with only a few buttons done up?"
"No it's beautiful! Beautiful! You are a beautiful man!"
My friends are sensitive to me and know that I don't like it so they they do the honorable guy thing and continue to use it as much as possible to watch me squirm in discomfort.

We hang out at various bars drinking and chilling. We end up at a bar across the road from the pierced tattooed glasses chick I met the night before and she comes running in with her state uneasy. "Buy me out darling. We spend happy new year together. A sleazy Italian guy wants to buy me out but I'm scared. Do it, pleeeeaaaase!"
She backs her ass into my crotch and leans forward into a fully clothed doggy style sex position in the middle of the bar and starts grinding me. The bar wall has a mirror and she is looking at it with her pierced tongue hanging out, swaying this way and that. Hazy memories from the night before come flooding back and they are all good. She turns back and faces me, "Please darling."
A friend leans into my ear, "I would."

From there on she turns the evening into sport of how much drama she can try to create. I just wish this girl would chill out and not be so loud and in the face of everyone and show a bit of respect. While I'm off at the bar getting a round, a chick starts chatting to me and it's taking a while to get the drinks ready. She is flirting in a professional way (which means rubbing her hands over me) and when I look back to my crew I see 'my girl' doing her best to proposition one of my friends. This obviously makes things uncomfortable for him cause he doesn't want to step on my toes and at the same time there are other girls around that he would prefer to be chatting with.

I come back with the drinks and take a slap at her ass, half to let her know that I'm aware of what she is doing, and half because she was leaning over and I liked the look of it. At this point she turns into a fireball of anger and seems to have me confused with someone else, or at least someone that can argue because really, I can't argue. Trying to argue with me is like trying to slap a giggling toddler in the face; sure you could do it, but you end up looking pretty silly and mean at the same time.

"I saw you over there! Talking with that girl! You leave me like this, what am I to do!? I tell you something boy, you don't own me. Just because you pay the bar, doesn't mean you my boss. I do nothing for you! I leave right now! I don't own you, and you don't own me! I am a person and you can not buy people!"

Wow! What a random outburst. I had no idea where that came from but something tells me it came directly from some internal script that she had used before on some people that had treated her poorly without any respect or consideration for her as a person. I can see the hurt and at the same time I see a fierce anger filled fire burning in her eyes. I never really understood the purpose or meaning of that phrase, 'fight fire with fire', cause I always thought water would be more effective.

I look in her eyes and say, "I was just getting us all a drink. I am sorry to leave you alone.... You know..... I really wanted to see you again tonight."
All true words.

I have never seen a woman flip switches as quickly as this girl because in the split of a second I see her let out a gasp and her eyes glaze with a slight tear. She grabs my head and starts kissing me more passionately than I have ever been kissed. These Thai chicks are spicy!

Anyway, I'm gonna skip forward a bit and just say that this chicks behavior during the course of the evening resembled that more of an emotional 3 year old than a grown woman. I was really loosing interest but I just went with the flow anyway. We finally got together when I dashed down the street after her with some flowers and sang some bullshit song that I made up on the spot. The lyrics were, "baby, baby, you so crazy, crazy, but I'm too lazy, lazy, I can't keep chasing you." And I physically picked her up off the ground and put on my shoulder and walked into the hotel with her there. The front desk chick giggled at the sight of us on the way in.

We are in my room and she has the flowers I gave her and she is doing something with one of them. She is folding the petals down and saying to me that she wants to tell me something but she can't say the words. She says, "I hope you know what this means." and points to the white rose. I hazard a guess "It's different."
I suddenly have the brainpower of a child that can only manage to state the obvious. Way to be cool....
"Yes, it's different. But why did I give it to you, and what does it mean?"
"Umm... you like flowers?"
Shit, shit, shit! Ugh! I give up at this stupid game. Shouldn't we just be having animal sex right now. Talking about flowers and their meaning! Damn!
"This flower is you. I left you many times tonight because I wanted you to come after me. I wanted to know if you would do it. You are different. You are special and not like others. I had 26 guys come to the bar and request me tonight. They want to be with me. bla, bla,bla- I'm so fantastic, something something, I'm too drunk to really speak sentences, blah, I'm happy I'm with you now, or something of the sort..."
Cool, let's make like puppies in love and bury a bone baby girl.

"Thanks for the flower, you're sweet." I reply instead.

Suddenly she gets a message and looks at her phone. She is complaining to me that her ex-boyfriend called her 2 times and that he was messaging her also. "Why he do this? Why he call me 2 times? I don't understand, we broke up 2 years ago."

I tell her that he probably wants to wish her a happy new year and that he's doing it cause he genuinely cares about her. I then wonder how a hooker can have a boyfriend? I guess it's possible if you separate your work life completely with your home life, right? Well, I'm not sure and I don't really care to think about it at this very moment cause I really want to get kinky so I'm considering saying, "I don't care about your fucking ex! I care about fucking you!" but I hold my tongue because the way she is pacing the room tells me that she is about to do something random. She calls him up!?
"Where are you? Why you call me? What!? I can't hear you! Where are you!? Why you call me!?"
I hear his response on the other end of the line and I guess he says something like ,"I can't talk now."
She switches off the phone and drops it.

She collapses on the bed. The mood is dead. I'm gonna pass out cause I'm too drunk to feel my body but by looking at her she looks really cut up about it. My heart goes out to her. It must be so tough having the penis' of random fat old guys inserted into your body all the time. She probably doesn't feel loved all too often and having someone familiar from the past show that he cares must have brought up some emotion.
I take a deep breath in and cuddle into her from behind. She doesn't want to show me her face. I breathe in and out with her and start to tell her about my last breakup and how I felt. How it hurt, and still hurts and how being with that girl made everyday of my life happy up until that point. I told her that I knew it would end from the beginning, but I didn't want to realize it at the time. I told her how I didn't want to sleep with anyone at all after we broke up, and when I finally did sleep with someone it just felt weird.
She's crying. Crying so hard and apologizing. She tries to stop herself and the more she does that, the harder it comes out. She is gripping my arm and at the same time I know she is lost because she doesn't want to be holding onto me. I tell her it's ok. It's ok, it's ok. Just let it all out, it's ok. She does so and continues crying. I feel I don't want to be dealing with this, but I guess I'm too nice or just too drunk to care. Into sleep we fall.

I awake the next day in the same position as the night before and the room is spinning and my head hurts. Where the fuck am I? Oh, Thailand. Damn I need water. I help nurse our hangovers and she asks me when I plan to leave town. I tell her that it's today and she tells me to stay another day. I reply that I can't because I'm going to Bangkok.
"Why don't you come to Bangkok with us?"
I can not believe I just said that! Why the hell did I say that? If she says yes...
She remains silent, thank God. I push the topic no further. I eventually bid her farewell and she tells me that she doesn't want to say goodbye or even think about it cause she doesn't want to miss me. Truth or lie, I mostly just feel relieved she's gone.

I meet my guys and they all have equally, if not more random stories of what happened to them to share. We head to Bangkok and things get crazy there too.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Tomoki is the craziest

This blog has to be the most fun creative venture I've taken part in in a while. But right now I will stop talking about my adventures in Thailand to pay respects to Tomoki.
Tomoki is not his real name but he is a Japanese company worker. He is a young guy focused on his future very clearly and he has a quirky sense of humor that is right up my alley. He studies English like a machine and kicks ass at it.
The other day he came and talked to me. It might not be funny in print, but god damn you better believe I was nearly on the floor laughing. It's mostly cause you don't expect this coming from a Japanese business man.

Me: How you doin man?
Tomoki: I'm pumped
Me: Pumped?
Tomoki: Yeah. I am psyching up.
Me: What for?
Tomoki: Rocky
Me: What are you talking about man?
Tomoki: Later. Tonight. I will see Rocky five. Yeah, I am pumped. After Rocky five. I will be so pumped. Then I am going to punch my boss in the face.
Me: hahahahahaa What?
Tomoki: Yeah, she's a bitch.
Me: Whoa! Your boss is a woman? You can't punch a girl. But if you do you better have your running shoes on cause the law will be after you. Is she a bit of a 'control freak', do you know that word?
Tomoki: (Turns his head and looks me directly in the eyes) I want to control my girlfriend!
Me: (bursting out laughing and still a little creeped out at the same time) You what now?
Tomoki: Yes, you heard me. I want to control her.
Me: Dude! Serious! What!? Are you one of those guys that calls up his girlfriend at night and asks if she is still out with her friends, and when she says 'yes' you get all jealous and angry at her and tell her to go home?
Tomoki: No no no, I don't call her and I don't get angry- I just chase her!
Me: Cool. So I need relationship advice. If a girl I really like dumps me, what should I do?
Tomoki: People do different things, but I know what I would do. I would tell her that she can leave if she wants to, but I will chase her. I will look at her and say, "I'm serious. I will chase you".
Me: Dude, you are killer. Personally, if a girl wants to leave me, holding her hostage will make me feel like a loser. I would rather let her go.
Tomoki: Yes, that is one of many options. But there are many options to choose from when making decisions. I choose to stalk. EYE OF THE TIGER.

Ladies, don't hang out with guys like Tomoki. He may be funny (to me only), but behind every joke lies a little truth. He may become a weird killer type one day. Guys, don't be like Tomoki. Jokes are all good, but if a chick doesn't like you, you gotta let her go.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Thailand Xmas+New Year part 4

The threshold had been broken. I had slept with a hooker. I had not regretted it, but my mind had not exactly processed it as a good thing or an enjoyable thing. Why must my mind put so much emphasis on sex? I don't think I'm different to any other man when I say I think about sex all the time.

When I am talking to older women I imagine them in their youth and wonder if I would go there. I wonder if I would go there at the age they are at now. I look at girls of all ages and wonder how much sex they have and I wonder how much the color and palette of their skin would change if they were thrown into the ecstasy of orgasm by a powerful lover. Would their stride change and become more free? Would the chattering thoughts in their mind settle down and become calm making conversation with them more pleasant? Would they become clingy and hold on tight to me or would they feel the powerful orgasm and fear their own loss of self control while surrendering to the abandonment?

Often I talk to decent looking women and I know that they don't get enough satisfaction from sex. Even if they don't think so I believe they need more orgasms.
I wish western society had more understanding of woman's emotional needs and found a service that could couple it with their physical sexual desires. Well sexed women are happy and more enjoyable to be around.

My confused feelings towards ladies of the night changed a few days later when I found myself sending a different beautiful girl into a beautiful orgasm. I enjoyed the experience and found satisfaction from her pleasure.

We had moved camp to a beach side town and lodged in a hotel not too far from the beach, yet at the same time, right in the heart of the red light district. Chance or choice, I'm not sure as it wasn't planned by me. The staff were friendly; always willing to chat and help out with any questions we had. The pace was so laid back and chill I lost all memory of my hustle bustle life I live in Japan.

Amongst other things, the girls at the hotel told us about the system for the other girls we might meet along our travels. If we go to a bar in this vicinity, the girls working there have duties to the bar. If we want to leave with the girl and go dancing or drinking elsewhere, we have to buy the girl out of the bar. This should be about 300 baht. The girl will want to choose what she wants to do with you sexually, so talk about that first and make it clear with each other what price is.

Fuck it's hard to type this story out and concentrate when I have to reply to constant keitai messages. This chick I met the other day has mailed me 24 times today already and about the same amount yesterday and we haven't fucked yet. Grrr. She needs to get a job or just call me and talk about whatever she wants to talk about instead of messaging me every 5 minutes about nothing! The longer it takes to get this up, the more details I forget. Plus I wanna get over this Thailand stuff already. It's sooooo last week.

So I found myself happy drunk walking the streets sprightly one night and a girl wearing sexy glasses with wild tattoos and dark skin flashed her beautiful smile, greeted me and wrapped her arms around me tight. The feeling was mutual and the warmth of her embrace made me feel comforted and special. She pulled me into her bar and suggested we have a shot then leave. I'm already well passed tipsy but the prospect of going down the hooker route again is making me nervous. My legs feel like jelly and my pulse quickens a little. We sit, chat and slam a tequila. She seems fascinated with my eyes then touches my face. She then looks at me in the eyes and says, "Can I just say, you have fucking sexy eyes? I'm sure you could stop 90% of the women around here with you eyes alone."
Into my ear, she whispers, "let's go!"

Her ploy of playing to my ego works 100%

Thing is, I'm kinda drunk and I don't know where my hotel is. Obviously, she knows the area well and leads the way. We get there and she pushes me onto the bed, jumps on top, and starts undoing my jeans. "You hard for me already darling?" she exclaims more than questions. A sudden change of mind crosses her as she gets up and goes over to the balcony and starts having a chat with the taxi drivers on the street below (?) Then, she's throwing cash down to them (?) and they are trying to throw cigarettes up to her (!?) They can't make the distance so she asks me if I can go down there and grab them for her (WTF!). I guess she asked nicely. Weird! I button my jeans back up and return with the cigarettes.

The rest is kind of a drunken haze that went in and out of focus. I remember her not wanting me to insert my fingers inside her pussy, but I wanted to touch her clitoral area from the outside anyway and she was ok with that. She had some really amazing artwork tattooed around her equally amazing left breast. I love chicks with tattoos, even if I have none myself. I asked to take a photo and I am really tempted to post it up here cause it was just so cool and hot. I remember very clearly her cumming pretty hard because she started hitting me and yelling, "What you do to me!? You make me cum! How you do that to me!?" Then she collapsed giggling and I was laughing too. I started tickling her and she got "Chicken skin everywhere!" and was rubbing her hands over her legs to make it stop. Then she hit me more so I spanked her ass and pulled her in close, growled and bit her ear and she fought me off and I started a slap fight and we messed around a bit and chatted about nothing until we did it all again and passed out.

The next day we talked and made love some more. We watched some music TV and she pointed out a singer that she said was hot and exactly her type. He had black hair that was shaved short and had a ton of tattoos on his short muscular built body. Actually come to think of it, it was this guy. Who's appearance is diametrically opposed to mine. Wow, I'm totally not this girls type whatsoever. But at least I'm not Scott Stapp. He sux.

Conversation with non native speakers places too much effort on me to read their thoughts on what they are trying to say so I generally dislike doing it for free, but in this instance I am getting amused at her ramblings.

"Trust me darling, I do not lie to you. I never say a lie to get something I want. You see those girls at the other bars? They say 'hello handsome man' to every man that walks by to get his attention. They want him to go to the bar and drink with them. Not me. I never do that. I choose my customers and I see their truth in their eyes. Last night, a man, he come to me. He's face all smile but I see his eyes. I don't believe he's eyes. He want to buy me out but I can't go with him. Your eyes are kind and I trust them. I see peoples truth in their eyes. But you too skinny and pretty to be my type. Why you don't get a tattoo and eat more food?"

The push-pull pattern of this girl's way of interacting had emerged earlier and it's hard for me to trust anyone who says, "trust me." So I just ignore her comments largely. Then when the time had come for me to get going, she unlike all the business people I had encountered in Thailand so far, didn't ask me to come and see her again. I ended up seeing her again the next night, New year's eve, but looking back, I kinda wish I hadn't.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Thailand Xmas+New Year part 3

It's a stinky dark club with hardly any patrons and the patrons that are there are sad lonely looking men above their 50's and possible hookers in their 20's. The music is loud pounding dance and the air stinks of cigarette smoke that has mixed with the cheap fragrance of smoke machine smoke. You know those smoke machines that they use to create atmosphere? Well, they make shitty atmosphere but they bring out the spinning laser lights that are whipping about the place in epileptic fashion. You wonder why they bother since there is no one around. The staff are up in our face within seconds upon our arrival and demand we buy some drinks. I could see that my compadres wanted to stay for one drink only, possibly less- so I got the round. I take the situation all in and just started laughing at how we ended up here.

Flashback 5 minutes earlier and we are walking in the backstreets of suburban Thailand nowhereville looking for a club named 'Fon' or something of the sort. 15 minutes before that we are getting dropped off in front of some sleazy looking place called 'Spicy', decidedly not 'Fon'. The taxi driver tells us that we have to get out and walk to get to 'Fon'. 5 minutes before that it's 1 am and the bar we are in is closing. Some nice girls we are talking to tell us that the best after hours club is 'Fon'. A very loud and drunk girl has decided to study English abroad and wants my email "to making foreign friends". 30 minutes before that we are dancing and seriously rocking out to an awesome cover band. 30 minutes before that and I'm in the bar across the road talking to a girl with funky red glasses and seriously white teeth while one of my brothers in arms is consoling the girl he picked up the night before because she is crying for some reason (a trend starts to emerge). 1 hour before that and I'm in a restaurant talking to 3 girls at the table next to us. One of the girls is nice enough to say that I have sexy eyes. Another girl who loves Japanese dramas is nice enough to say I resemble a certain Japanese celebrity, but far less attractive. Thanks. Her friend apologizes for her says that she doesn't get out much or something to the effect.

I guess the night started an hour or so before that with dinner. All so innocently enough we planned to dine with the woman one of my friends had met along with her friend who although was cute enough, had decided that she couldn't understand my English. Sometimes this happens. A language learner decides they can't understand language from foreign looking people and their conscious mind doesn't allow them to recognize the language. When they hear the same phrases from an Asian face, they get complete comprehension. In Japanese they call this 'かべ' or 'wall' in English. I call it a limiting belief. Nonetheless, my attention wanes and noticing 4 guys at our table and only 2 girls it doesn't require a mathmatician to deduce that too many cooks spoil the broth. Our eating is done so I move to the table beside us with 3 single ladies and strike up a conversation.

And here I am sometime later taking in the sleaze of the empty after hours club that has a big sign on the front door saying, 'no lady boy' with a picture of a lady boy crossed out for emphasis. Out the front a couple of hookers are standing around chatting and smoking and one of them has the biggest fake tits I've seen in a while. We decided to enter because we couldn't find 'Fon' anywhere else in the vicinity. But I have the sneaking suspicion that the taxi driver never intended for us to have any local 'Fon' anyway and took it upon himself to deliver us to the sleaze pit called 'Spicy'.

Whilst looking at the uncomfortable and undesirable situation my friends and I were in, I wanted to somehow make the most of it and made light of that old phrase; 'When God gives you lemons you...FIND A NEW GOD!' I moved my mind past the worst and made eye contact and smiled at a girl standing nearby. She smiled back and blushed away. She wasn't very attractive. Or slim. Or young. She was shy also. I guessed she wasn't in it for the money if you know what I'm saying.

I soon forget about her and enjoy the company of my group while we are dancing amongst ourselves. Sometime later the same girl is up in my face prodding my arm and talking to me in Thai and I have no clue what she is saying but I'm smiling and nodding and dancing with her. From nowhere she returns to English and says, "Buy me a drink darling." I continue the smile but shake my head and continue dancing as if nothing even happened. She starts dancing all over me sexy stripper like, minus the sexy and plus the intoxicated lack of balance. I'm just making lemonade from the situation and enjoy the weird randomness of this girl who has pale white skin, large lips, wet hair slicked back and a physique that we would say is 'chubby'.

The club fills up slowly and it's getting more exciting but I notice one thing; It's filling up with Thai women of various ages and foreign men of various ages also. No Thai guys. Curious. Whatever. I'm drunk and dancing.

Loud music with a beat that never changes pace and I'm happy cause my friends seem to be getting into it. We go for another round and this time I place my beer on the table near to where I'm dancing. I'm not a big fan of holding onto my drink in clubs. Call me finicky, but I prefer to place it down. That way my hand doesn't get cold and my drink doesn't get warm so quick and I can enjoy dancing. Although it's hard to keep track of what is going on, I try to keep one eye on my beer. That's when I notice an unhappy looking man in his 40's or 50's meandering about the table where my beer is. He has on blue jeans and a black singlet tucked into them. His gut bulges over the waistline and I can see that he passed his peak in fashion and sex appeal about 2 lifetimes ago when that style was in.

Only briefly, very very briefly I notice him take out a tablet from somewhere concealed and bite into half of it. The other half he drops down the neck of a bottle of beer. MY BOTTLE OF BEER!! He takes a swig from his bottle to chase the pill down and pushes my now spiked bottle aside. MOTHER FUCKER TRIED TO SPIKE ME. It happened so damn quick I wasn't sure what I saw but it's all collecting up in my drunk brain. He notices me staring at him in confused bewilderment and acts like nothing even happened.

"Maybe nothing even happened and I imagined it all." I tell myself. I have been drinking for a solid 6 or so hours now. Even so, I warn my friends to keep on guard and I forget my beer even existed. I don't bother confronting.

Time passes and I talk and dance with a great number of girls some aren't interested in talking or dancing at all which gives me the impression that they aren't all hookers. Maybe they just wanted me to buy them a drink? One says she has a boyfriend 'already'. Hmmmm

We are dancing with some chicks at the back of the club and to me they seem like your average drunk college girl who has just discovered the combination of alcohol and numerous horny men in a club setting. I say this because one girl is all over me, dancing and touching me intimately without even looking at my face and seconds later she is all over my friend. Then we are sandwich dancing her. Then we cut her out and homo dance with each other just to spike the attraction. But then her friends cut in and take our attention off each other. This goes on for a while and I lose interest and move to another part of the club.

My friend who was chatting with a girl in her mid 30s leaves and I promptly take his place and sit down beside her. She gets overwhelmed at the attention she is receiving from us young guys and starts giggling like a schoolgirl. Same friend pops into my ear and says, "She wants to fuck you. Ask her and you will find out."
That's a bit forward, even for me, so I am reluctant.
"Ask her if she wants to fuck you!" He orders into my left ear. I lean into the woman and take the less direct approach and say, "Do you want to kiss me?"
She laughs even harder than she was laughing beforehand and exclaims, "No!"
I turn to my friend with a confused look on my face and tell him that she declined. He remains very nonchalant and says something like "Oh well, at least you tried."
I'm like, "What the fuck fool? What the hell were you guys talking about before I came in? You told me that she wanted to fuck me!"
"Oh yeah, I just made that up."
"Thanks bro."

It's getting late, we are tired and so it becomes do or die moment. I approach a girl I was dancing with earlier who is friends with the girl my other buddy is with and use a tactic that lacks any tact. I very directly ask her if they all want to come back to our hotel. Her eyes light up and she giggles a little and says "Yea!", in a tone that says "Yes of course."
Huh? That was easy. A little too easy.... She starts making out with me.

She is a short girl, about half the size of me with her high heels on. Her skin is dark and her lips are big and glossy ruby red. Her stature is what guys would call 'thick' but not soft and chubby. Her dress flows off her body and from the way she moves it is easy to see that she is in touch with her feminine sexuality above most women I see. This in itself is very appealing. The way she touches me is free and uninhibited and is very different to that of many Japanese girls who have shame and embarrassment surrounding sex. She is seducing me, not the other way around. This is so cool!

Two of my friends have now gone back to the hotel. I talk to my other friend who is with another chick and try to work the logistics of taking these chicks back. He says to me, "Man, these are hookers. I already talked about it with this chick. It's gonna cost 1000 baht. Actually, all the women in this place are hookers. I'm leaving this girl here and going back to the hotel."

And there I was thinking that they were just dumb-ass college girls enjoying a bit of attention from men. Ouch, burn. Well, I payed half as much for a hand job, why not go the full length? It's only the cost of one dinner out in Japan. This is a slippery slope I'm sitting on. What am I doing? Do I really need to pay for sex? Even looking at this girl I know I wouldn't date her normally because she is not really my type. I'm pretty confident on the possibility of me meeting and dating a hotter or cuter girl naturally with no cash involved. Do I want to pay for low class sleaze?

As we stand face to face dancing she starts rubbing her thigh on my dick. Men are slaves to their penis', I am no exception. It's decided that my mind is easily swayed and I will pay. We take her scooter back to the hotel and I am huddled up close to her on the seat behind her riding 'bitch'. A tall white dude on the back of a scooter with a very small Asian girl. Not a good look.

Things back at the hotel progress as things progress when two adults have consensual sex with each other. Highlights of this girl in particular include her massive sex drive and unwillingness to remove her hands from me. The most memorable moment for me was seeing her take the reigns fully and ride me from a squatting position. Often when girls are on top, they kneel. This girl squatted and used the natural bounce of the spring mattress to create a good rhythm and got herself off to a physically ecstatic finish. Her hips thrusted wildly at her climax.

We ended up doing it 4 times at her initiation and I felt cheap and tired the next day. Not the same satisfaction as a standard one night stand. But they never are incredibly satisfying for me.