Monday, 25 January 2010

A week of 'hit on'

Last week I was 'hit on' a few times and I hit on a girl or two myself.

I say 'hit on' and not 'pick up' because to me they are different. 'Hit on' is more of a girl way of showing interest without actually pulling the trigger and making any moves such as kissing or asking for a phone number. I consider 'pick up' to mean that you actually exchange phone numbers or something more concrete in that direction.

First one was Tuesday when I saw Avatar at the cinema by myself. After the movie I came out and started to walk home and a girl came racing after me and asked me if I was some guy called, 'Finkie' or something of the sort. She was speaking to me in English and her pronunciation of English was clearly from that of a Chinese person. I told her that I wasn't her guy and I began to talk to her and we talked about the movie and each other and whatever else and she asked for my phone number. She wasn't really that cute but kinda interesting person. I haven't and most likely won't contact her.

On Wednesday I bumped into a chick from my building at a bar. We got talking about a few things. She's recently become single so I guess she's looking for something or at least she is testing her options. I wouldn't really count this as her hitting on me so much as us hitting on each other and flirting with the idea of it. She is so cute and エッチ (I know she is エッチ because she told me so herself). We exchanged phone numbers and made plans to meet and do some photography/modeling. She wants to take a picture of me and redesign it or something. She does graphic art work.

On Thursday on my way home I stopped at a traffic light and a girl came up to me and said, "イケメン." Which basically means, "You're hot" in English. After that she just kinda looked at me. She was kinda cute and looked to be about 19 at max. Her friends were near her also and they started giggling at their friend. Maybe she thought I couldn't understand or something. Either way I started talking to her and tried to get some banter going but she just got freaked out and shy. I have to throw down some hate here cause this kind of situation is so annoying cause it happens often enough. Girls get pissed off at guys who try to pick them up but aren't good at it so I can do the same to them (even though this girl wasn't trying to pick me up). You see a guy. You think he is hot. You tell him so, and he starts to talk to you and you freak out. Good Job.

No 'hit ons' on Friday except for the arty chick visiting me.

Saturday I have plans to meet the arty chick again but this time she wants to meet really late. I get drunk as fuck with some friends and I end up hitting on a girl in a bar. The cool thing about this is that when I was talking to her she was leaning into me and rubbing her breasts on my hand. She did it a bit too much for it to be accident so I just helped her out and started rubbing them for her. This was in the middle of a crowded bar but because we were so close talking to each other no one would be any the wiser. I got her mail address. She wasn't so cute but had a great rack*. Just great. I got a message from arty chick and I had to leave. We met about 12.30. I had to work Sunday. I was tired and DRUNK. We came to my apartment and I started making out with her and she stopped me and said, "I didn't come here for that." I'm wondering why the hell she came to my apartment at 12.30 on a Saturday night. I tell her that I'm drunk and tired and if she doesn't want to kiss me that is cool. But I'm gonna sleep. She says that because she usually goes to bed at 4am she will just be bored so she is gonna leave. That sounds like a good idea to me but I make a fake resistance saying something like, "No. Stay. Please." which she declines. Cool. I pass the fuck out. She usually contacts me a billion times a day, but hasn't done so since. I guess she wants me to make more commitment and do more 'boyfriend' date stuff with her.
*Girls think it is low class and don't like it when I objectify them or their body parts. They need to recognize that they do the exact same thing as me with the men they are interested in.

Sunday was yesterday. A student asked If I wanted chocolate for Valentines Day. I replied that I most certainly did. She said that if I accept I have to promise to marry her. I said that I would marry her if she gave me a house. She said she would give me a computer instead. We joked back and forth on this topic lightheartedly for a short while. She is a 21yo with the largest breasts I have seen on a Japanese girl in real life. She is chubby and so-so cute. She is also so damn funny. She makes me laugh which is rare. I would never go out with her as long as she is taking lessons with me and paying my bills. This kind of conversation happens pretty regularly with any number of different students so I usually forget about them but I made note of this one for the sake of this blog. I remember it most clearly because it was the last lesson I taught and I felt particularly awkward during the talk of marriage. Yuck.

After work I went to a dinner party where there were a lot of new faces. There was an exotic bubbly South American girl and her friend; a thin South American guy that was really chatty and sociable. He had the subtle nuances about him that made me think he was perhaps gay. He was very easy to talk to and since I'm also pretty easy to talk to we had a pretty good, but short conversation. At the end of it he told me that he was going out clubbing and made the gesture shown in the photo whilst saying, "Would you like to come with us?"

Is that gay code?

Either way, I ravenously love women only and I was pretty tired and hung over so I declined. If he was gay and he thought me to be gay too (it happens) this one, of all the 'hit ons' during the week, was the smoothest (although not smooth enough to make me change teams). Making me think that men are better at picking up and hitting on people than girls are.
Girls seem to only wait and hope for the best then criticize their options from a spectator seat. If the guy doesn't pull the trigger they are at a loss and have to only continue to wait for 'Mr.Right' to come along. It's pretty passive and powerless. Especially when 'Mr.Right' who has the charm to grab any lady, can and will, grab any lady. There are some women out there who go after what they want and I have nothing but respect for them. They are the exception, not the rule.

On the way home in the train, I was talking to another of the party attendees and exchanged contact details. She was really bubbly and had a kind of restrained sexy look like that of a young drunk librarian, if you could imagine such a random image.

I love being a foreign guy in Japan.

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