Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Players getting played by playettes

Blackstreet dig the playettes. No doubt.

One of the things I love is getting sexy photos of/from girls I'm hooking up with. The only thing I love more than that is seeing my friends show me sexy pics of their girls. I love seeing their success and sometimes I see their sexy pics and get a little envious.

Last week 'Player 1' was being a real stand up guy and showing a few of us some pics that one of his girls sent him. She had a real fine ass that was hard to forget. I liked the way she was really artistic about taking the shots using shadow so that her face couldn't be recognized. Artistic and sexy with a phone camera taken by herself. Amazing.

Charmboy and I met for dinner last night cause he wanted to hear the latest on my escapades and I wanted to hear his. It would be great if he kept a blog then I could hear the whole story on what he gets up to without any interruption, but it seems he has better things to do. Fair enough. He showed me a sexy pic of his main squeeze, looking artistic and adorable. She seems to be really bringing him a lot of happiness with her intellect, passion and animal sex. They will be moving in together for a period starting later this year. Good luck to them!

Later that evening we met up with 'Player 2'. He was a bit down cause he hasn't been getting much luck with the girls lately. He has no problem meeting them, but they seem to get attached and fall in love really quickly putting too much pressure on him and making him feel uncomfortable. I sympathized with him, Charmboy told him to be more of an asshole.

He then casually mentioned that he met a girl in a club briefly last week and they were mailing. She sent him a couple of pics, one with her sitting on a toilet at work. He couldn't understand the meaning of it. We asked if he had any more pics. He was like, "Yea, just before you guys got here she sent me this." I saw a pic of a curvy girl wearing some denim, looking pretty fine. I was impressed. "What the hell does this mean? Why is she sending me this? We only met for like, 10 minutes."
"She wants to fuck you bro. You gotta get it on."
Charmboy's and my mutual suggestion was to get her to send a nude pic.
"No way, you guys are insane. I can't do that."
"You can and you will. In fact if you don't you are going to lose her."
I made the suggestion that some girls who are in touch and open in their sexuality aren't looking for a prince to save them or the Club owner with a ton of connections or a Mr. Right to marry, they are mostly looking for a platform to experience their sexuality. Fluffing around with a ton of conversation and amazing big notes to yourself is just going to turn her off. Go direct and provide her the platform and assurance to be a sexy lady.
"What do I say."
"I know what I would say, something about her sexy denim looking better on the floor. But let's hear what you have to say."
He showed me the message, it read something like;

"nice pic. If you want I could tell you what I think about a pic without the clothes if you send it."

I thought it was too wordy and suggested he change it to something that shows a bit more conviction.
"Try; Sexy pic! I'll tell you what I think when you send me a nude pic ;)"
He sent it and the reply comes back with a nude pic. High fives all round!
"Get another! But first reassure her. She went out on a limb there. She needs to know you liked it. Try; "Sexy girl! But you know I want to see more now..."
He sends, we wait, a reply comes, 'Player 2' sees it and laughes in disbelief, then hands it across to Charmboy. He takes a good look at it and pauses only ever so slightly. He is looking at it in a serious way. Finally he says, "Nice." Starts to hand the phone back to 'Player 2' but I interject cause I wanna see it too.

My eyes hit the screen.

The shape of a round ass.

Shadow artistically hiding her face.

I make the connection back to last week.
My stomach drops a little, and I look at Charmboy because I know he knows it too. This photo is unmistakably the exact same photo that 'player 1' showed us only one week earlier. Same girl playing 2 guys.

I say, "Dude....."
An intense glare comes from his eyes and in rapid fire procession the words, "Shutup, shutup, shutup" come out and hit me. 'Player 2' is out of the loop, "What?"
I wasn't thinking and my first reaction would be to tell him but following Charmboy's cue, I have to save it. What the fuck do I say? How do I save it? Think quick!
"Dude... that is like, THE BEST ASS I'VE EVER SEEN!! Hell YEAH!"

Charmboy is quick to follow my cue, "Shut man! Wasn't I just about to say that?! Yeah!"
High fives all round.

Since Player 1 and 2 aren't acquainted with each other, we decide to keep it hush.

Sexy ladies out-gaming all these guys. Like Blackstreet say; play on playettes.

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