Japan makes a lot of porn. Most of it is low budget. The guy sets up a couple of cameras and lights, either in his apartment or a hotel room, and films it, later editing between first person point of view and standstill cameras. Minimal location booking costs, no support crew and very little post production is necessary. The low overheads and quick production time have allowed the Japanese porn industry to become prolific in the amount of titles they release each month. So much so that every time I look online at porn there are a ton of new videos released with a ton of new and different girls. Every month the DVD sellers shelves are restocked with a slew of new product, each DVD jacket sporting a different girl to the next. So many DVDs and so many new girls. Where do these girls come from? What is their story? Why are they doing porn? And considering the numbers of girls that are actually prolific in making videos, how many one off performers are there? How many Japanese girls go through a secret porn stage in their lives?
I had heard stories about guys who found out their girl was
in porn. This one guy recounted the time he was doing a study abroad in his
college days. He was with some Japanese guys and they had missed the last train
so they all crowded into an internet café lounge seat and threw on some porn.
As they watched, one of the guys said, “Hey Taro. That girl looks an awful lot
like your girl. Wow! She is almost exactly the same. Hang on. Is that her?
That’s her!” They looked back at Taro, with his face motionless, eyes glazed
over, looking at the screen without reaction. Suddenly he stood up and walked
out without saying a word. The guys not knowing what to do let him go. Had
their friend just seen his own girlfriend having her clothes removed and a
large vibrator placed on her nether regions? A little later they went outside to see if he was
OK and found him in front of the convenience store with a freshly bought bottle
of whisky in one hand, the bottle cap in the other and the bottle already one
third empty. His face remained still and motionless until the alcohol set in
and he broke down into tears. He spent the rest of the night getting
increasingly drunk and inconsolable.
Another time something hit a little closer to home where one
of my friends was banging one of the chicks in his salsa class. She was an
office worker who had also done time in the Japanese National defence force.
According to him she was a rough player in the bedroom who liked to either
dominate or be dominated physically. For her sex was more than just sex and
took on a different role where they could both explore much more than just
physical attraction. Roles were taken and times she used this to tease and
torment or submit in retreat. By chance not long after they ended their
relationship he came across a random video of a girl who he thought looked a
lot like her. He brought it over, we ordered pizza and a small handful of us sat
around watching this chick, and various other girls get banged by various guys
in various obscure situations. He could identify a few very key features of her
beyond reasonable doubt and felt certain it was her. For us it was a bit of a
laugh, but I’m not sure how my friend really felt. Understanding what it is
like to see someone you slept with, sleep with other guys seems too surreal to
comprehend. And she did it for money, not love or lust. What does that make
her? What kind of judgments should we make of a person who does that? The part
of the situation that left the strongest impression was that this was her only
video performance. How many girls have I been with? What if one of them had
been in a video without me knowing it? How would I feel about that and if it were
a girl I was seriously dating would having something like in her past make me
rethink my long term future with her? At the time it drove me a little
suspicious and I quizzed the hell out of my then girlfriend. “Have you ever
been a model? Have you ever done any sort of performing before a camera? Have
you been in porn? Are you a pornstar? No? Have you been propositioned for such
work? What did you say to them? What did they say to that? Interesting… I see.”
And I continued until I got on her nerves and she told me to fuck off…
I could never understand what my friend went through inside his
head that day when he found his girl appear in a cheap porn movie. I could
never understand what it would be like to see a girl I like, or used to like, or
at the very least, a girl I had slept with, appear in porn. That is until now. When
a prolific porn star approached and seduced me.
It was a Sunday afternoon. I had eaten nothing all day, my
stomach was empty and body lifeless and deficient of energy. I had a date at my
place in the evening which I was looking forward to yet also needed to do some grocery
shopping for. In the meantime I would leave my single cell apartment of urban Japan solitary
confinement, go out, get lunch, buy some groceries and then get started with
the food prep. As I looked in the mirror on the way out I remember very clearly
thinking that I looked kinda different to normal. I felt unusually confident,
and if you will, expelling some kind of aura. Which is different to how I
usually think. Usually I think I need to shave, do something about the bags
under my eyes, get a haircut or at the very least restyle my hair.
A short walk to the local station where I would travel to
the next express stop to find a steak restaurant; I was contemplating sauces,
in particular blue cheese sauce, or honey mustard. My serious and refined musings
on this delicate gourmet topic were interrupted briefly by something of almost
equal importance: a pair of female legs with knee high stockings; solid black
with a fine red lace hem, walking past me on the train platform in rather close
vicinity. My head turned to follow and I thought briefly about striking up a
conversation with said pair of pins, but declined because I had no energy and
really, I was pretty much content envisioning sweet chilli sauce basting a
tender juicy medium rare steak while looking at hot legs.
The legs walk past again, this time with face directed at
me. I gaze, unmoving. They stop a short distance away and turn back around. I’m
still looking at the girl, a little too obviously, but I kinda don’t care, so I
keep looking. Her face is cute with her eyes big, round and her nose more
defined than a typical Japanese nose. I notice her eyes are fixed in my general
direction and she moves closer. And a little closer still. At which point I
start getting concerned. I’m not sure what is happening here. Then she walks up
and stands about 2 inches from my face and asks in Japanese, “Do you understand
But really in my head I’m thinking something more along the
To which she says, “I don’t have any foreign friends. Please
be my friend!”
Genuinely taken aback I fail to speak confidently. I say, “Who
me? Ah.. I guess so. Um sure. I mean… if that’s ok with you… is it OK?”
At this moment in my head I’m thinking, “I WIN!” But it’s
not guaranteed, so I try to be chill and play it cool. Just let the wheels roll
in motion and don’t fuck anything up and certainly don’t let her self sabotage
this since that is the higher likelihood. I start thinking seriously about
logistics. What time is it now? What time is that other girl coming over tonight for
the date? Will I have time to make this happen with this girl now? Should I stretch it out a
bit. Hmmm…. I’m going to be leaving the country for about two months after next
week so I better make this happen ASAP. Wait. Reel back. Girl is in front of
you. Speak.
She looks at me, standing there with her wide eyed cute baby
face and bouncy brown curls of hair and coat that extends down to just above her
exposed white thighs. Eyes growing wider she lets out a laughing smile and
exclaims, “Sugoi kakkoi!” A phrase that means she admires my appearance. Oddly,
I get a little disheartened at hearing this because it almost always turns into
the girl not seeing me as a person and more of a novelty or obscurity that they
point and comment at, only to shortly move along and leave behind reminiscent
of a trip past a pet shop window.
Despite my growing dubiousness of this girls intentions in
approaching me I reply in my continuing fake shy tone, “Ahh.. really? Haha?
Well, I don’t think I’m so good looking though.. Haha.. wow, I’m embarrassed
now. Haha… I’m not used to cute girls saying that.”
And there I laid a sneaky hidden compliment that shows I am
interested while simultaneously giving her a sense of exclusivity by appearing
awkward, unassuming, dumb, blond and easy to please. The biggest lie I tell the
world over and over again.
“I really admire foreigners. They are so cool. I want to be
one too.” She is gushing in a contained way. The words themselves are
passionate but don’t match the expression on her face which lacks any kind of
emotion. Eyes fixed still, a faded smile and eyebrows perfectly in place.
“Foreign people are so cool. Japanese are boring. In fact, I hate Japanese men...”
…..And the entire quiet train platform, that is full of
mostly Japanese men turn to glare….
It’s probably a good thing I’m too self-centred to care
about what anyone else thinks at that moment otherwise I’d be freaking out. None-the-less,
I advise her to keep her voice down. She does not give a fuck. Absolutely no
fucks were given by her as she continues at the same volume discussing her
distaste for the local men and praising my eye color and other facial features.
The train arrives and as to not draw too much attention inside
the carriage to the obviousness that we only met 20 seconds ago and are just
getting to know each other thus inviting curious eyes of surrounding passengers
which will probably make her uncomfortable, I quickly change topic and begin
talking about how I really like steak and how I love the steak sauce at a
particular restaurant. My distraction is successful and conversation continues
as I gradually inquire her destination: same as mine, and casually invite her
to join me for lunch. She has already eaten but I offer she have some cake and
she finds herself asking 3-4 times if it is OK. I reassure her it is OK, 3-4
times. I need the company, if not I will die of loneliness.
At the restaurant she takes off her large tan color winter
jacket to reveal absolutely huge tits that are disproportionately large in
comparison to her tiny waist and stick thin legs. The waitress, a lady whose
face I am familiar with, having come to this place a fair few times, drops our
menus by and as she is taking our drink order I notice a rather odd atmosphere
emanating from her. Her face is directed away from my date, with the imposing
cleavage and cute face, and she speaks to her, quick and abruptly, while
glancing at her sideways. My date asks the waitress in the same pained and
forced tone that she has been addressing me with so far, “Would it be possible,
by any chance to only have some tea to drink. Is that OK? Only tea?” As if that
might be out of the question when it obviously isn’t. The waitress glances
across at me with eyebrows furrowed in a “WTF?” expression then quickly says,
“Of course, ‘just tea’ is fine.” My date checks again with the waitress and
also me, if it is OK to only drink tea. I field the awkward question and watch
on, thoroughly amused at this woman’s obvious distaste for bimbos.
Conversation is a little slow coming as I still have no
energy having not eaten all day. The girl opposite me has her cigarette lit but
is doing very little smoking. I watch her sit motionless as the smoke rises
from the end, with the ash portion becoming longer and longer. Her eyes are
glazed as she looks into the distance, still, with skin white and porcelain in
tone, facial features balanced and symmetrical giving the impression of a doll.
It’s a unique view and at the same time, a little disturbing. I sip my cola and
watch, waiting for the ash from the tobacco, which has now grown half the
length of the whole cigarette, to crash onto the table. She takes a final sharp
drag and dabs it out carefully into the ashtray before that occurs and I’m a
little let down.
Gradually I start to find out a few things about this girl
that are shaping our interaction. First, she likes my appearance. She makes a
strong case for this by repeating it many times and by also assuming that I am
a high brand model, which makes me uncomfortable and suspicious. I think there
is advice out there for women that says, “If you want to play a guy into your
hands you have to first play dumb and second stroke his ego.” I find that
blatant tactic to manipulate a little insulting to my intelligence and rather
ineffective. Rather than stroke a guy’s ego, you should directly stroke his
penis; much quicker and much more effective. To put her opinion of my looks into
perspective, recently I put my photo on a dating site and the women there rated
me out of 10, a little less than 6. So for most women, I’m not even passable
with a few finding me barely passable. Which gives me great hope and confidence
in my sense of humor and good cheer because it must be doing something to get
me by! I also find out that she used to be an idol, which is a Japanese term
for a photo model. Different to a fashion model who would do work which
showcases clothing for a heavily female audience, an idol’s work revolves
around pure vanilla titillation with girls doing photo and video shoots in revealing
clothing to appease the mostly male audience. Probably similar to a sports
model who appears in men’s magazines like FHM and such.
As she tells me this I exclaim, “Wow, that’s cool! All girls
want to be models and you got to be one. Isn’t that great?” She doesn’t think
so. Her face turns serious and distant and she begins to look down. “The
lifestyle I had was very tiring. I got a lot of money and became rich quickly
but I spent it all carelessly. The work was hard and long so I was never able
to relax and always had to travel and go to places like Okinawa
and work.”
Hearing that she was an idol made me want to ask 1000
questions but looking at her expression I see it’s getting her down so I try to
turn the tone up. “Okinawa? That’s cool! I’ve
never been there but I heard the beaches are beautiful and the sea is nice and
She continues in her gloomy tone, “That might be true, but I
hardly ever got a chance to enjoy it. I was always working.” I notice now the
forced voice that she was talking with before completely disappear. This would
be what I consider her finally being real with me and speaking the truth. And
while I am happy to hear this and becoming more engrossed in the candid view of
life as an idol, I think about the outcome this topic has on the date itself.
This is what I consider to be one example of a girl self sabotaging a date.
They bring up a topic that is painful for them and they talk about it. The guy
is kind enough to hear it out without interruption and in effect he assumes the
role of a counsellor rather than a cool guy or a fun date guy. The girl leaves
the date feeling down after having relived the hard memories, with the
impression that the guy is just no fun, and without pinpointing any reasons
they declare that the date, ‘just didn’t feel right’ and never agree to go on
any further dates. Sure, its great to be honest with people and talking about
real topics with someone is great and can lead to some real bonding and
connections; I just don’t feel that we have seen each other in a brighter light
yet and don’t want either of us to be left with a single impression. Not
prepared to risk taking on the sexless role of the counsellor like I have so
many times before, I take the safe option of ceasing my questions and making
the topic lighter. “You went to Okinawa and
you didn’t once get in the water?”
“Well, I did get in the water?”
“How was it? I bet it was warm.”
“Yeah. It was warm.”
“Did it feel good?”
I smile and say in a loud voice, “Well that’s good!”
She giggles. Sabotage averted.
Toward the end of the lunch I suggest that we hang out again
and she agrees. I tell her that I would be sad if I never saw her again and
want her to kiss me goodbye, on my cheek. A cheek kiss will not suffice and she
would rather the mouth, so we make out in the restaurant at lunch time, and I
feel this pretty girl’s lifeless limp cold lips on mine and I somehow feel
cheaper as a result.
On my way home I grab the food needed for my dinner date
that night and prepare it hoping that it will lead to me getting
lucky with a different girl who I had met a week or two earlier. Heading back
to the station at 6pm I coincidentally notice the ‘idol’ who I had met just earlier for lunch leaving the train station,
and I avoid her in case the evening’s date appears and we all have one big
weird rendezvous. Very surreal as just as she has walks by without noticing me,
the evening date does appear and I quickly usher her in a different direction
and we take an obscured path back to my house. Fuck that was close. It's a small world.
Things seem to go well with this girl and I guess she likes
me because we end up spending most of the date making out. Her lips are soft
and warm and when she touches my face it feels real. Eventually we end up naked
and fucking on my futon. While I am inside her after some time everything
suddenly feels so good. It is amazing for both of us and just as I hit my
climax I get the feeling that it feels suspiciously too good and the reason for
that is concerning. After I cum inside her I pull out to find a broken condom…
And I panic. Not the kind of post coital experience you want if you are a girl
looking up to see a guy swearing in a foreign language… After talking things
over we both calm down and find that she is not in the fertile phase of her
cycle, and we fuck again. During a date with her the following weekend I find
out that we are pregnancy free.
The following day I arrange to meet the idol at a café in
our neighbourhood. When we meet I find her slightly hungover, in a single white
lacey one piece dress. She asks what we are doing and I suggest a walk, with
the subtle plan to direct us en route via a river ending up past the park and
conveniently at my place. She cuts through my plan in one crude slash saying,
“Where are we walking? I want to go to your house. Let’s go there.” And she
grabs and hugs my arm. I am down with this girl and more than anything, I am
down with her thinking. We chat as we head to my place.
Inside, conversation changes topic to that of a more adult
tone. She asks about my preference for Japanese girls, do I like them and have
I ever slept with one before? I affirm simply that my last girlfriend was
Japanese and during the time I have been here I dated mostly Japanese girls
with a only a couple foreign since I hardly get the chance to meet them here,
thinking that should be enough detail to keep things moving smoothly. She wants
to know more, about what my type is. I keep the description vague, until she
inquires into what porn I watch, Japanese or foreign… And light bulbs start
flashing on and off inside my head. Getting a little curious at the direction
and intent of where this is going I answer truthfully, that I watch both porn
made locally in Japan
and abroad. She raises the topic of which girls of the Adult Video (AV) genre I
prefer, and I stumble. I want to both appear open minded enough to discuss this
topic in as much detail that she sees she needs to, but not a sleeze who
watches way too much porn. It’s a precarious balance that I negotiate by saying
that I don’t really know many names but if I saw a face I would remember it.
She asks me if I know Aoi Sora, a mega star that has a very approachable cute
girl next door appeal. I tell her that I do, but I’m not such a fan, totally
true. She on the other hand is a gushing fan. She loves Sora and even bought
her full color bio book and was lucky enough to meet her in the flesh and have
it signed at an adult industry exhibition. I playfully tease her for this
calling her an AV geek. She loves all the big porn names but was especially
enamoured with Aoi as she was able to make her showbiz career extend further
than porn and moved into TV and music. Actually, I have one of her musical
videos linked on this blog. The idol in front of me quizzes me more on which
girls I know and like and she starts getting excited when I know who they are.
Two things start becoming very apparent to me: this girl really knows a lot
about porn and obviously has something she wants to say to me, the other being
that we both watch way too much porn.
Eventually we start making out and she stops me to ask about
my feelings for her. I tell her that she is really unique and I want to get to
know her more, also, she is really cute and…actually, I think I like her. She
is happy, and we kiss some more but stops to ask me if I will accept her, even
though she is an idol. I tell her that if she can accept me, a foreigner, then
I can accept her. And there we lay, two dishonest lying sluts, deluding to
ourselves that we are different to who we really are. More special and unique,
more beautiful, more lovely, more deserving of attention and much more clean, but
most of all, that we actually have deeper feelings, that we are whole and
profound in emotion, and the thing that unites us is a universal pull of love and fate, and despite our obscurities, we accept each other.
She asks if it is OK for her to take off her dress. I’m
generally easy going and don’t vocally oppose the requests of others, this is
no exception. She takes off her dress and I admire her grey knee high socks and
pink dotted white underwear that covers her soft white skin and again, her
disproportionately massive white breasts. I pull her body close to me in a
quick motion, not bothering to be gentle yet completely contradicting that by
softly placing my hand on her cheek while I make out with her, then running it
down her neck, using my index finger to draw a line from the center of her
collar bone down through the gap between the center of her breasts and to her
naval. Opening my hand I press my palm on her stomach and move it to her waist,
squeezing it lightly and continuing my journey to her smooth ass, which I grab
firmly to pull in closer still, placing her on my crotch, in one quick movement.
Her pussy is now in indirect contact with my cock and although I still have not
touched her tits I will surely get there. “May I take my bra off?” She asks in
her familiar pleading tone, very reminiscent of something I would see in a Japanese porn. They finally make an appearance, those amazing
tits, and I am happy to have them push up against my chest as we make out in an
upright sitting position with her sitting atop of me, her pussy still grinding
on my hardening cock. Keen to keep things moving forward she asks again, if it
is OK for her to suck my dick...totally porn... And she pushes me down and pulls off my jeans
and underwear, doing things with her mouth that I honestly haven’t felt before.
After some time she takes the next step for me and asks if she can ride my
cock. We fuck, and I guess either the hotness of her this girl, the situation
being so graphic, or how good the preceding headjob was, I have a very short
fuse to play with, and explode in my condom, way too early for her to have
enjoyed any of it much.
We hold each other and she seems unconcerned about my shit
effort, claiming that she has not had sex for as much as two years. Which seems
unlikely. Absurdly unlikely and mostly just blatant bullshit. I roll with the
charade as I have so far and enquire deeper into her work as an idol. “You know
before we were talking about AV… I was wondering, that maybe... you know how you
said you were an idol… Was it just an idol? Or is it possible you were also in
She is looking away, and silent. Still holding her and
playing with her hair I give her a quick hug and say, “It’s OK, you can tell me
She takes her time to respond and slowly says, “Will you
still like me if I say yes?”
“Sure I will”
“Then yes, I was in AV.”
I keep holding her and I secretly get really excited cause I
want to ask her tons of questions about the biz. She tells me some inside
stuff. The studio she worked for was the same as Aoi’s. They gave her a phone
to use and an apartment to live in with all the expenses paid for. She started AV
at the same time she was in college and eventually stopped going and dropped
out completely as her life had been taken over by it. They gave her a porn
name, which was basically a random Japanese name. I ask her the Kanji for it
and she helps me enter it into my computer’s search engine. I press search but
she says I can’t look at anything other than the Wikipedia article about her. She
goes on to tell me that at the beginning the work was OK but it just got so
tiring with having to do scenes with more and more guys and they would cum
inside her and that was hard to deal with emotionally. One day after surviving
about a year in the business she just left the apartment and never came back. The
studio tried to contact her but eventually gave up. She told her parents
everything and they enforced a strict curfew on her. She was never allowed to
leave the house for more than a short time and never at night. Through all this
I could feel that she was finally speaking to me without the forced pretensions
she was speaking with before, but to me there was still something about her
that was way off balance. Physically she was an adult, mentally she was like a
child, but emotionally, she seemed more like a battery powered toy doll with a
pre-recorded voice. And it was creepy.

I would have liked to have continued seeing her nonetheless,
but as I said earlier I was to leave the country for an extended period. She
continued to reply to me slowly for almost 6 days. But I knew anyway that girls
like that don’t last long without constant attention. There really was no
reason for her to be waiting around for me when she had no real certainty I
would be back, and there are plenty of other guys out there. So like many girls
had done to me before, and in turn me to them, she simply told herself that it
was over and didn’t bother replying to me. I felt little sense of loss for my
“girlfriend”, because for me, if I ever want to experience being with her
again, I can simply buy or rent her DVD and get her very own personal
masturbation device that is modelled on the shape of her pussy and bask in the
glory of Japan’s
fucked up adult culture.
So which of the photos is her?
ReplyDeleteHey Ransom,
ReplyDeleteWhat are you doing now? Will you ever continue your absolutely awesome blog?
Good question. What ever happened to me? Hahaha! Well, I left Japan for one. The girlfriend I left with cheated on me as we were moving in to live together. I guess you can say that what goes around comes around and I got what I deserved. Haha! it wasn't too emotional for me though and the truth is we just weren't that into each other. Wildly different life values. Me, "challenge yourself and grow as a person intellectualy, physically and spiritually, at all times". Her- "be cute, get attention, go shopping."... thats not something I can really respect over the long term as in "we are going to share our life together now" sort of thing. The break up culminated into a very public and horrid breakdown with her having a panic attack in a busy street and me being way too unattached to the whole thing.
DeleteSince her I have been more or less living as a free spirited hippy who is strangely addicted to work. I've been banking all my money to get some property investment happening, and spending my other time doing art and music, hanging at the beach, with the occasional intellectual pursuit, doing some research engagements and professinal development at work. However the financial goals are lofty so I have taken up residence with my old man and his wife so that puts a real handbrake on trying to chase girls. Not that I really feel like I'm missing out on much here. There just isn't that mcuh inspiriation in the way of girls.
Girls take little focus and mean less and less to me now. The thought of being single forever is daunting at times, but other times I just feel fine with it. Having said that I did hook up with one of my fellow country ladies recently. A blonde with the hugest tits I have ever seen in my entire life. It was epic. Epic beyond epic. She was so proud of them and dropped them into the conversatin often. But I felt that overall we weren't much of a match. I also met and had a romance with a singaporean lawyer when I travelled through there earlier this year. She was a stunningly tall picture of elegance from an extremely privelliged background. We tried to keep communication going despite the physical distance between us. I enjoyed it, until her hideous spoilt brat princess personality became too demanding, argumentative, high maintenance and generally rude for me to even want to communicate with. Despite her intelligence I just couldn't keep a conversational relationship with her. She actually inspired me to do a ton of reading up on mental disorders like narcissictic pyschosis and borderline type B personalities or whatever it is that she is.
I don't know what is going to happen to me or this blog. I'm really just thinking about getting some property and then settling down for a bit, if I can. But if work takes me elsewhere then I might see more adventures worth writing about and keeping log of. Who knows?
Whats happening with you?
I just finished reading every post on your blog and I would like to say that I really enjoyed it. Some of the posts gave me a lot of insight into my own dating experiences with Japanese girls when I first arrived in Japan. How they think/react to the western values when it comes to dating etc Plus I could relate to your stories regarding the difficulties of being in long term relationship because I'm in one right now and have my own doubts about it, haha. I don't know when or if you will read this comment but did you thought about coming back to Japan? You studied the language a lot and it should benefit you in the future, especially if your concern is making money right now. Anyway, all the best to you dude in whatever direction you will take in life!
DeleteThanks for the comment. Im glad you enjoyed the blog
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteSomeone wrote a message to me saying something along the lines of, "I visit each year waiting for an update, will there be one?" and I accidentally bumped the "remove content" button. Its my mistake that cannot be undone for some strange reason. I didn't actually want to remove the comment. My apologies.
DeleteIn brief reply, not much has happened. I live quiet and focus on my career. I have a girlfriend and hope that she can be my steady for a good number of years, possibly forever. Apart from that, a whole lotta zippity do da - nada, nothing, zilch.
I almost never miss Japan. I deal with Japanese people time to time and all things considered, if I had to choose a nationality to deal with, it would not be theirs. Things flow so much easier with other cultures. For me at least. I would like to go back there on holiday and just take in some food, onsens and shopping. But I'd rather not have to work there. I'm pretty over it.
Thanks for the update. I'm the author of the deleted comment.
DeleteIt is nice to hear that your life is going the way you want it to, even if that means there won't be any new blog posts.
I'll be back next year to check this blog for updates anyway ;-).
Hi ransom,
ReplyDeleteGive us some updates on what's happening in your life, please!
Get ready to have your mind blown. I got married. Bought a house. Got a good job. And I’m thinking about kids. Wow right?! It’s like I’m all grown up. Japan seems an age ago now. I might post in more detail later.