They say to be able to love someone else you must first be able to love yourself. If this is true, why is it that when I make love to myself, I have no energy left to love anyone else? I get kinda low, and I wanna eat cup ramen and have a snooze.
エゴイスト Is the Japanese word that reads 'Egoist' but in English means Egotist.
ナルシスト reads as 'Narushisuto' and means Narcissistic person. They are what we call Japanese English. These are quite hot new words when describing people and personality types in Japan. Where I come from, we don't use the word Narcissist, we just say, 'vain.' I believe some self love is good, some is bad. What kind is good and why? Let's look at the details of Vanity first.
Yea, I'm pretty much as vain as they get. I have to be honest with myself because this is my blog. I guess I got it from a number of sources, mostly environmental. My mother, whom I was raised by was super vain. She used to give me compliments all the time though. She said to me, "You know, everyone says you are the splitting image of me. And everyone says I'm good looking so that must mean you are good looking too."
In other words she just praised herself and told me I look like a women in her 50's. Thanks... I guess... She taught me to always have pride in the way I look, then followed that up by saying, "Now go have a shower and wash your hair! It's a greasy mess!"
I also got a lot of influence from

the visual importance of the beach culture of my hometown. Everyone was tanning or surfing or working out. I was doing all of them. I spent a ton of time at the gym after school. My high school friends were the same too. I was naturally too lean to ever get the really big football player look, but that's OK. I also played in a band as a lead singer and by spending so much time watching the singers I admired, I probably picked up some of their vain characteristics.
Really, I like being vain, and I like other people who are vain. Show me a man with zero interest in his appearance and I can almost guarantee he doesn't have a hot girlfriend. Vain guys are often much more attuned to going after girls the way I am too. So it's pleasant to be around guys like this who are happy when you talk to girls as opposed to jealous.
Good points of being Narcissistic
*I naturally bond with good looking girls because I have a lot to talk about with them, such as clothes, fashion, and err.... clothes....
*People compliment my appearance regularly. Just yesterday I was sitting in a train with two nice looking young girls fawning over my appearance at the top of their voices. This ended up getting pretty awkward though because they were just too young and bimbo.
*I can enjoy objectively checking out other guys with girls. This doesn't mean feeling sexual towards the guy, it simply means I can look at his fashion style and critically analyze it with an opinion. I might even take some pointers.
*I can laugh at myself quite readily and don't take any of my vain ways too seriously. I even blend it in to make my own sense of humor.
*Whenever I feel down I pull out my pocket mirror, take a glance at my reflection and my sorrows turn into sunshine.
**That last one was so completely a joke. If you didn't get it you are
too slow.Bad points of being Narcissistic.*It can take a while to dry my hair sometimes. If I don't dry it properly and spend zero effort styling it, women start commenting in a bad way.
*I can't do contact sports because I feel that I might damage the money maker. My face! Half joke half true. On the contrary to this, I will play sports such as mountain biking and snowboarding and put myself in potentially breakneck situations. What's with that?
*I'm a bit of an airhead. This isn't a problem when I'm with Japanese women because it makes them think I'm cute and they can relax, but sometimes it's just embarrassing. The other night a girl was at my place and I decided to make some space on the couch for her to sit. I picked up what I thought was her jacket and started to hang it up and noticed it looked a lot like my jacket. I said, "Wow! I have a jacket just like this!" She told me that it was indeed my jacket and that I was a dumb ass because it was on my couch in my apartment..... I don't know where this airheadedness comes from but I think it must be some sort of gene that is linked with being blond. I can fucken study though. I graduated medical science and in a lot of ways I'm quite a geek. It's just when I'm with people this happens.

Now I'm going to look at the other half of the self inflated spectrum;
Egotistical people. These people think they, themselves are great. They put themselves and their opinion above everyone else as being the ideal. I have no idea why they feel the need to think this way. It's not really based on their appearance. I on the other hand don't care if I am right or wrong, as long as I look good, I'm happy.
My brother is the prime example of an Egoist. He has to be right all the time. Even if you concede to let him be right he will get pissed cause you are just fake agreeing. He never says sorry for his belligerent selfish ways and has no problem demanding the world from me and giving nothing in return. He has mistaken the male ideal of having strength as being a cold in-compassionate person. For him, to be strong is to stand your ground and be stubborn about it at all costs and show no sign of backing off. To me, not accepting fault is weakness because it doesn't allow you to develop.

The addition of Egoist to Narcissist is a lethal combination that my other brother has. I will admit, than when I get drunk, I get a bit arrogant. When I wake up the next day and remember what I said the night before I feel pretty ashamed and promise to never speak when I am drunk again. This promise lasts as long as 12 hours, but it's something I'm trying to overcome. My other brother however is pure hell to be around when he is drunk- much, much worse than me. He has one topic of conversation; Himself. He provokes arguments to reconfirm he is the most correct and it's all based on meaningless bullshit that no one cares about anyway. When he is sober he is actually a really smart, intuitive, genuinely good looking guy that is pretty easy to have a laugh with. He is a successful business guy at a young age and I guess that is why he is married to a hot chick who is also like minded. Good for them. Just leave the ego out of it and don't argue for sport.
Egoist women I categorize as self important women. I really get turned off by self important women. Perhaps this is another reason why I like Japanese girls. Self important women aren't egotistical like a man is, they are just the center of their own universe and care about nothing outside it. Enjoying myself with them is difficult, possibly because I'm too impatient to bother dealing with their ego fits and tantrums along with their 5 second attention span. I may change and one day learn to love it, but now just give me an easygoing pretty girl and I will be happy.
The people who are truly beautiful understand that their looks are only one part of themselves. The rest is separate. Just chill out and let it be baby.
Therefore I conclude that taking pride in ones appearance is a good thing but taking it too far and being insecure and egotistical about it is weird and not cool.