I never got around to making a hazard guess at answering that question but I will today.
Al is a man that acts with conviction. He decides what to do and what to say and acts with force. He isn't mumbling what he is thinking to whoever is around him, he is making concise decisions about what to say and he says them powerfully with conviction. He is also a man of action. He doesn't say something and not do it. In the movies, he says he will do something and he does it. He puts his money where his mouth is, then deals with the fallout after.
He doesn't talk shit. He doesn't talk about meaningless crap that no one wants to hear. If it isn't relevant to the listener he will take that into consideration and not say it. It's simple. Less is more with Al. If he has nothing good to say, he keeps his mouth shut. Filling silence is an art that everyone should learn to do, but it is not always necessary. Just enjoy the silence sometimes.
He doesn't try to crack stupid jokes. He doesn't eliminate being amusing from his life however. He knows that he doesn't need to be straining himself to make effort. I see this happen too much. The thing about western girls is that they will tell you when your jokes suck. I see guys around the workplace putting pressure on some Japanese women to laugh at their stupid jokes. They give a fake laugh, then they complain about him as soon as he leaves.
Al laughs when it is funny. When you see and hear Al laugh, you know the shit is truly funny. He is not laughing at dumb crap. He is not laughing out of nervousness. He decides what is funny to him and he lets it out. Whilst he can have a laugh, he isn't exactly Mr.Positivity. But that is ok because he isn't a dreary negative sad ass that complains and argues about crap.
He doesn't get caught up in other people's petty meaningless bullshit. He doesn't take part in it if it's not relevant to him. Have you seen 'Glengary Glen Ross'? He is absolutely not concerned about whatever it is that the other people are doing, he cares about doing his shit, and getting it done. Being focused and passionate about some cause is what many women say they find attractive in guys.
Al doesn't take shit. He doesn't let anyone walk over him. He will stop them in their tracks and let them know that they are stepping the line. He is assertive in commanding respect from the men he deals with and the women also. You know where you stand with him, and when the characters are on his side they are comforted to know that they are. Especially the women.
When I look around and compare guys that don't get laid with Al Pacino

Weak guys don't act with conviction, they are afraid to take chances, they talk about doing things and don't do them, they talk long winded meaningless crap that tires the listener. They crack shit jokes, they laugh out of nervousness, they dwell too long on negative topics, they get worked up over meaningless shit, then they do nothing about it other than complain. They take no action and if they do it's stupid action. They have no interests or passion outside of being a spectator of sport and they let people walk over them.
Japanese women complain to me that long ago there were wars that made Japanese men strong. But now there are no wars, Japanese men are becoming weak. I tell them it's not limited to Japan, all men are becoming weak.
We must remember to step outside of our comfort zone in order to grow and get closer to a cause we believe. Step away from the TV set sports game, computer game, whatever, and travel to a different country where you don't speak the language. Date a model who's in the mafia, drive her sports car with the top down and drink the champagne she bought you straight from the bottle. Have sex in a plane, a forest an alleyway, wherever. Take some fucking action and deal with the fallout. Deal with it. If it doesn't kill us, the experience will only make us grow stronger.
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