Monday 11 January 2010

Thailand Xmas+New Year part 3

It's a stinky dark club with hardly any patrons and the patrons that are there are sad lonely looking men above their 50's and possible hookers in their 20's. The music is loud pounding dance and the air stinks of cigarette smoke that has mixed with the cheap fragrance of smoke machine smoke. You know those smoke machines that they use to create atmosphere? Well, they make shitty atmosphere but they bring out the spinning laser lights that are whipping about the place in epileptic fashion. You wonder why they bother since there is no one around. The staff are up in our face within seconds upon our arrival and demand we buy some drinks. I could see that my compadres wanted to stay for one drink only, possibly less- so I got the round. I take the situation all in and just started laughing at how we ended up here.

Flashback 5 minutes earlier and we are walking in the backstreets of suburban Thailand nowhereville looking for a club named 'Fon' or something of the sort. 15 minutes before that we are getting dropped off in front of some sleazy looking place called 'Spicy', decidedly not 'Fon'. The taxi driver tells us that we have to get out and walk to get to 'Fon'. 5 minutes before that it's 1 am and the bar we are in is closing. Some nice girls we are talking to tell us that the best after hours club is 'Fon'. A very loud and drunk girl has decided to study English abroad and wants my email "to making foreign friends". 30 minutes before that we are dancing and seriously rocking out to an awesome cover band. 30 minutes before that and I'm in the bar across the road talking to a girl with funky red glasses and seriously white teeth while one of my brothers in arms is consoling the girl he picked up the night before because she is crying for some reason (a trend starts to emerge). 1 hour before that and I'm in a restaurant talking to 3 girls at the table next to us. One of the girls is nice enough to say that I have sexy eyes. Another girl who loves Japanese dramas is nice enough to say I resemble a certain Japanese celebrity, but far less attractive. Thanks. Her friend apologizes for her says that she doesn't get out much or something to the effect.

I guess the night started an hour or so before that with dinner. All so innocently enough we planned to dine with the woman one of my friends had met along with her friend who although was cute enough, had decided that she couldn't understand my English. Sometimes this happens. A language learner decides they can't understand language from foreign looking people and their conscious mind doesn't allow them to recognize the language. When they hear the same phrases from an Asian face, they get complete comprehension. In Japanese they call this 'かべ' or 'wall' in English. I call it a limiting belief. Nonetheless, my attention wanes and noticing 4 guys at our table and only 2 girls it doesn't require a mathmatician to deduce that too many cooks spoil the broth. Our eating is done so I move to the table beside us with 3 single ladies and strike up a conversation.

And here I am sometime later taking in the sleaze of the empty after hours club that has a big sign on the front door saying, 'no lady boy' with a picture of a lady boy crossed out for emphasis. Out the front a couple of hookers are standing around chatting and smoking and one of them has the biggest fake tits I've seen in a while. We decided to enter because we couldn't find 'Fon' anywhere else in the vicinity. But I have the sneaking suspicion that the taxi driver never intended for us to have any local 'Fon' anyway and took it upon himself to deliver us to the sleaze pit called 'Spicy'.

Whilst looking at the uncomfortable and undesirable situation my friends and I were in, I wanted to somehow make the most of it and made light of that old phrase; 'When God gives you lemons you...FIND A NEW GOD!' I moved my mind past the worst and made eye contact and smiled at a girl standing nearby. She smiled back and blushed away. She wasn't very attractive. Or slim. Or young. She was shy also. I guessed she wasn't in it for the money if you know what I'm saying.

I soon forget about her and enjoy the company of my group while we are dancing amongst ourselves. Sometime later the same girl is up in my face prodding my arm and talking to me in Thai and I have no clue what she is saying but I'm smiling and nodding and dancing with her. From nowhere she returns to English and says, "Buy me a drink darling." I continue the smile but shake my head and continue dancing as if nothing even happened. She starts dancing all over me sexy stripper like, minus the sexy and plus the intoxicated lack of balance. I'm just making lemonade from the situation and enjoy the weird randomness of this girl who has pale white skin, large lips, wet hair slicked back and a physique that we would say is 'chubby'.

The club fills up slowly and it's getting more exciting but I notice one thing; It's filling up with Thai women of various ages and foreign men of various ages also. No Thai guys. Curious. Whatever. I'm drunk and dancing.

Loud music with a beat that never changes pace and I'm happy cause my friends seem to be getting into it. We go for another round and this time I place my beer on the table near to where I'm dancing. I'm not a big fan of holding onto my drink in clubs. Call me finicky, but I prefer to place it down. That way my hand doesn't get cold and my drink doesn't get warm so quick and I can enjoy dancing. Although it's hard to keep track of what is going on, I try to keep one eye on my beer. That's when I notice an unhappy looking man in his 40's or 50's meandering about the table where my beer is. He has on blue jeans and a black singlet tucked into them. His gut bulges over the waistline and I can see that he passed his peak in fashion and sex appeal about 2 lifetimes ago when that style was in.

Only briefly, very very briefly I notice him take out a tablet from somewhere concealed and bite into half of it. The other half he drops down the neck of a bottle of beer. MY BOTTLE OF BEER!! He takes a swig from his bottle to chase the pill down and pushes my now spiked bottle aside. MOTHER FUCKER TRIED TO SPIKE ME. It happened so damn quick I wasn't sure what I saw but it's all collecting up in my drunk brain. He notices me staring at him in confused bewilderment and acts like nothing even happened.

"Maybe nothing even happened and I imagined it all." I tell myself. I have been drinking for a solid 6 or so hours now. Even so, I warn my friends to keep on guard and I forget my beer even existed. I don't bother confronting.

Time passes and I talk and dance with a great number of girls some aren't interested in talking or dancing at all which gives me the impression that they aren't all hookers. Maybe they just wanted me to buy them a drink? One says she has a boyfriend 'already'. Hmmmm

We are dancing with some chicks at the back of the club and to me they seem like your average drunk college girl who has just discovered the combination of alcohol and numerous horny men in a club setting. I say this because one girl is all over me, dancing and touching me intimately without even looking at my face and seconds later she is all over my friend. Then we are sandwich dancing her. Then we cut her out and homo dance with each other just to spike the attraction. But then her friends cut in and take our attention off each other. This goes on for a while and I lose interest and move to another part of the club.

My friend who was chatting with a girl in her mid 30s leaves and I promptly take his place and sit down beside her. She gets overwhelmed at the attention she is receiving from us young guys and starts giggling like a schoolgirl. Same friend pops into my ear and says, "She wants to fuck you. Ask her and you will find out."
That's a bit forward, even for me, so I am reluctant.
"Ask her if she wants to fuck you!" He orders into my left ear. I lean into the woman and take the less direct approach and say, "Do you want to kiss me?"
She laughs even harder than she was laughing beforehand and exclaims, "No!"
I turn to my friend with a confused look on my face and tell him that she declined. He remains very nonchalant and says something like "Oh well, at least you tried."
I'm like, "What the fuck fool? What the hell were you guys talking about before I came in? You told me that she wanted to fuck me!"
"Oh yeah, I just made that up."
"Thanks bro."

It's getting late, we are tired and so it becomes do or die moment. I approach a girl I was dancing with earlier who is friends with the girl my other buddy is with and use a tactic that lacks any tact. I very directly ask her if they all want to come back to our hotel. Her eyes light up and she giggles a little and says "Yea!", in a tone that says "Yes of course."
Huh? That was easy. A little too easy.... She starts making out with me.

She is a short girl, about half the size of me with her high heels on. Her skin is dark and her lips are big and glossy ruby red. Her stature is what guys would call 'thick' but not soft and chubby. Her dress flows off her body and from the way she moves it is easy to see that she is in touch with her feminine sexuality above most women I see. This in itself is very appealing. The way she touches me is free and uninhibited and is very different to that of many Japanese girls who have shame and embarrassment surrounding sex. She is seducing me, not the other way around. This is so cool!

Two of my friends have now gone back to the hotel. I talk to my other friend who is with another chick and try to work the logistics of taking these chicks back. He says to me, "Man, these are hookers. I already talked about it with this chick. It's gonna cost 1000 baht. Actually, all the women in this place are hookers. I'm leaving this girl here and going back to the hotel."

And there I was thinking that they were just dumb-ass college girls enjoying a bit of attention from men. Ouch, burn. Well, I payed half as much for a hand job, why not go the full length? It's only the cost of one dinner out in Japan. This is a slippery slope I'm sitting on. What am I doing? Do I really need to pay for sex? Even looking at this girl I know I wouldn't date her normally because she is not really my type. I'm pretty confident on the possibility of me meeting and dating a hotter or cuter girl naturally with no cash involved. Do I want to pay for low class sleaze?

As we stand face to face dancing she starts rubbing her thigh on my dick. Men are slaves to their penis', I am no exception. It's decided that my mind is easily swayed and I will pay. We take her scooter back to the hotel and I am huddled up close to her on the seat behind her riding 'bitch'. A tall white dude on the back of a scooter with a very small Asian girl. Not a good look.

Things back at the hotel progress as things progress when two adults have consensual sex with each other. Highlights of this girl in particular include her massive sex drive and unwillingness to remove her hands from me. The most memorable moment for me was seeing her take the reigns fully and ride me from a squatting position. Often when girls are on top, they kneel. This girl squatted and used the natural bounce of the spring mattress to create a good rhythm and got herself off to a physically ecstatic finish. Her hips thrusted wildly at her climax.

We ended up doing it 4 times at her initiation and I felt cheap and tired the next day. Not the same satisfaction as a standard one night stand. But they never are incredibly satisfying for me.

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