Tuesday 4 January 2011

Question: How can I get in touch with you?? I'm Japanese and I'd love to go on a pick-up session with you!!!

If you live in Kansai I'd be cool to meet and go pick up chicks in Osaka. We will hit on chicks and have a ton of fun. Just post on my formspring with your email address. If you live outside of Kansai, I won't be able to do it. I just got back from a very intense pick-up session that lasted 5 days and nights in Tokyo. I won't be going back anytime soon, although there are a few cute girls there who I met that could make me change my mind....
I might write about that next time.


  1. thanks for the response!
    if I get a chance to visit Osaka, I'll give you a hit!
    ty, and keep bloggin!

  2. I wonder if this still applies? It has been a while since you posted it.
    I've lived in Tokyo for about a year, and plenty of action happens here. I do fine myself, but I've never had anything in the way of a wingman or like someone I can talk about this foreigner-in-japan lifestyle of drama music and women with. You know?
    This sounds ridiculous, almost, but I'd like to hang out a bit as well as go out picking up girls. You still down? I'm heading to Osaka in December.

  3. I can't say for sure if I will be free when you are around, but if you go to Japanlair.com you will definitely find someone.
