Friday 8 July 2011


A black person who is mixed with an Asian person produces the offspring with the phenotype of half-black, half Asian or 'black Asian'. The technical term is 'Blazian'

Actually, its not really a technical term. I just made it up now, did a net search and realized its already out there.

Recently I've been watching black artists like Beyonce and Rihanna. I think they are so hot. I also came across a new chick called Nikki who looks uncannily like a chick I made out with once while riding a cruise ship. Nikki has the same beautiful yet dorky smile. I saw this pic and I got a boner instantly.

The technical term for this is 'instaboner'.

I want to hook up with a girl who is not Japanese, preferably black or blazian and I've been wondering how to do it since I rarely see non Japanese girls. I just realized that there are gaijin hostess clubs. I wonder how much they cost? Maybe I could just hang around the door and wait for them to show up to work and catch them before or after their shift? Yeah, that sounds more like what I would do.

EVEN BETTER!! I just realized I might be able to find a super rare black gyaru!

The technical term for this is: 'Blyaru'.


  1. there's a black gyaru who works in 109.... i think if you wanna bone a blazin, you need to moveto tokyo!

  2. I'm booking a plane ticket and hotel as we speak... Consider that girl as good as stalked!

    Lol. I'll never move to Tokyo. Its not my scene.

  3. I found your blog yesterday through NuBreed (found his yesterday as well), and since then I have read literally every single post. A lot of what you write about reminds me of a book I read (at least twice) called Black Passenger Yellow Cabs. It's basically a Jamaican dude who goes to Japan and lays a bunch of girls, but he also writes about his views on Japanese society and such based on what he has experienced in his time there. Interesting read. Usually when sex and Japan are put together as a topic i'm bound to be interested, hence why I read your whole blog. Anyways, I thought I'd drop a comment cause you have interesting viewpoints, and it's quite possible that you saved me a lot of trouble down the line, lol. From your 2009 posts till now it was interesting to see how you've changed and what you've learned up until now (language ability, learning how not to get played, etc). I definitely noticed a change in the way you present your thoughts.

  4. Thanks for the comment soul. I always wonder whos reading this.

    I saw that Jamaican guy's book and read a snippet a few years ago. I wasn't too interested in it at the time. I might be more into it now though.

    Its interesting that you noticed a change in my writing. I think the main difference was that at the beginning, nobody read this and I was writing it for the sake of it. Now people read it and I think I have to be somewhat considerate of the people that read this and make it more bite sized. Brief enough to read in a few minutes while still getting a taste of whats going on. I also want to provide something that is specific to my point of view based on my experience and not some crap that has been recycled from someone else. Its fun.
