Monday 27 September 2010

Fuck the church bells

I live near a church. Every Sunday morning I wake up to the sound of a church bell ringing. As it rings I wait and think of all the destructive things I could bring upon that bell. I conjure ways to shut it up for good. It rings 36 times and then I can sleep again. But later it rings again to signify the end of church. Fuck it. Fuck the bells. Fuck them all. Especially when I have a hangover- which is like every week. Fucking bells.

How would the church like it if I started blazing Schwarzenegger inspired comedy metal outside their window?

I've lived here for 3 years and it's always been so, but today especially, I was grumpy. Pissed me off right up until I met up with my girlfriend. She was so hot today. Not just today, but everyday. When I saw her I thought, damn is this my girlfriend? She told me later that she did exactly the same thing about me. We went for a walk and played games at the game center- I spent a bunch of money on UFO catcher trying to get the candy- then as the hatch closed it- the candy tower fell down and I got nada. I could just go to the supermarket and get candy but it wouldn't taste as good as victory candy. I want victory candy. I want to taste the victory. And it was so close. My gf dragged me away kicking and screaming like a child.

Went back to my place and I got kinky on her- with a little bit of sexy talk.

Just kidding. When I get erotic, you know I do it right- I mean I have an ero blog and all. It was more like this.

In all seriousness, girlfriend sex leaves random hookup sex in the dust. She doesn't have to act all, "I'm a nice girl so I don't want to give you the wrong impression and do anything slutty like..... enjoy myself during sex." Thank goodness (which is a totally ridiculous concept that somehow pervades). We can forget the formalities and cut straight to fucking whenever we feel like it. which is usually- always. She doesn't have to worry about me being totally perverted and domineering during sex because she knows that when the sex is over, I'm usually pretty nice.

She really likes my shoulders and she couldn't stop touching them when we were fucking today- I said, "触って” which means, "touch it" but I wasn't specific about "it", so she took it to mean her own pussy..... She started to finger her clit while we were fucking (hot!) and we both came at the same time and just lay there laughing. That's only the second or third time I've seen a J-girl touch her own pussy during sex.

Had I known or thought of it, I would have told her earlier.

1 comment:

  1. haha, i live next to one of those parking buildings that has a lil elevator that brings the cars down, spinning slowly around and beeping for 5 minutes every single time. and it can get pretty fucking annoying. why does it have to beep while it fucking rotates? nobody's fucking there! and it's so slow! urgh. so i totally feel your pain about the church bells, haha... gaman! (also, ipods help :p)
