Saturday 11 June 2011

Running Game

One of my co-workers lost his job a while back. He unceremoniously faded from the workplace without a trace. I noticed his absence after some time. Upon inquiry it was found that said co-worker had been warned of sexual harassment in the workplace for several isolated incidents. Despite repeated warnings he harassed a client who in turn complained to the company. It apparently went something like this.


  1. watching that video makes me think deeply about how i approach girls. maybe, just maybe, i almost come across just as creepy as that guy. who knows...

  2. Whats up Hank?

    Do you say, "Yo. You beautiful. You beautiful. Yeah girl. Can have yo number? yo number? yo number? will yo give me yo number?"

    Yeah, I dont know if chicks actually go for that.

  3. nah, i don't really do any of that. BUT, it sure was creepy as hell to see how he kept staring at the girl. at that point it was already lost before it had even begun. sometimes, i stare at girls for too long as well, after which it's awkward to approach them.
