Wednesday 25 August 2010

Master of your domain

A friend told me that he stopped eating carbs and processed foods. Basically, he would walk around the outer edge of the supermarket and collect as many, meats, fish, vegetables and fruits as he wanted. No bread, no rice, no pasta, no anything else. I thought this was stupid and crazy and unnecessarily hard on yourself as well as unhealthy. We need carbs for energy. He said the body can use fat as an energy source and the energy is more constant than that of carbs that are constantly being regulated by insulin and are peaking and dipping all through the day.

He said that there was no use in eating a ton of energy if we weren't using any of it anyway. He said that the reduction in empty carbs would allow for more chance to eat proteins and vegetables to give my body more shape and vitamins essential for healthy bodily maintenance. I would end up feeling better and looking better.

It sounded so ridiculous that obviously I had to try.

The first week was hard. Really fucking hard- I nearly passed out during class and I could never stop being hungry no matter how much salad, nuts and chicken I ate- but after that week it became more and more easy. I'm still doing it months later and although I'm not so strict- (I drink a ton of beer and eat pizza every now and then) I still love it and don't want to go back. I initially gave myself the challenge of no beer, no coke, no carbs for a month. This really sucked, but it was great in the end.

Now I have a new challenge.

No masturbation!!

My sex drive is pretty constant and I get turned on pretty quickly. I watch porn a lot, I masturbate all the time. In other words, I'm a typical guy.

The idea of this challenge is that if I don't masturbate I will have more artistic and creative expression, more motivation to do study, I will wake up earlier and be full of life, etc, etc.

Of course I'm skeptical of this and expect the results to be me becoming horny as fuck, irritable, and possibly becoming a little creepy in the process -BUT- I have to take action to be able to back my words up.

No masturbation starts tomorrow and I will post results in this thread's comment sextion. oops, section.
'X and C' are right next to each other on the keyboard. Freudian slip already?


  1. hahaha... i give you one week!!

    i doubt you will become more "energetic" if you stop... my verdict is that you'll be crankier, and the only visible change if you stop masturbating is that you'll come (lots) more during sex...

    also, i know this because one of my exes tried it one time :p

  2. Well, it's the second day and I think karsuma gyaru is right. Right now I'm thinking there is a threshold, like after one week it becomes less of a big deal because you get used to it, kinda like quitting coffee or something. But right now it's weird.

    On the good side I woke an hour earlier than usual this morning. On the bad side it was because in the dream I was having a zombie girl was trying to attack me with her gross zombie hands. They were greasy and pussy, and getting all over my clean shirt. Puke.

    Side note- my teeth feel kinda weird. like I had been grinding them in my sleep. Completely unrelated to masturbation and most likely work related stress.

  3. So with a promising start and a powerful rush from the gates foreign guy Ransom slipped up and pulled himself off from the chance at victory at around the 3-4 day mark. Comments made by the young hopeful right after the slippery one way battle revealed that the contender's insufficient prep-time was his undoing.

    "Well, I came into this challenge seriously lacking form. I hadn't done enough training and preparation and coming straight off the bench into something like this was less than an ideal start to be honest."

    While it seems that odds were stacked against him from the start, at the end of the day what did he gain from this bout? Was there anything to chalk up to experience?

    "I saw no benefits the way I expected to see. Mostly I was just horny. Horny to the point that I picked up a gorgeous woman in the supermarket on my lunch break. I never would do something like that normally. It's too close to home."

    With confusing uncharacteristic actions and an easily distracted mindset, was the woman really attractive, or was he just blinded by emotion? And what for the future of this young upstart? Any chance of a rematch?

    "The challenge is over dude. I ain't calling that chick either. I'm mostly happy where I am with my girl."

    There you have it. All is well that ends well. But who knows what is around the corner for this foreign guy. Will there be trouble in paradise?

  4. No masturbation rules never work. You just think about not being able to masturbate and it makes you want to do it more.

    An ex boyfriend once said he never wanted me to masturbate because it made him feel bad. Loser. As soon as he said don't masturbate. It went from, doing it once or twice a week to wanting to do it every 10minutes. Terrible.

    How did the carbs thing go? The whole no rice in japan would fuck me over. It's my main meal staple.

  5. Thanks for the comment Shibuya nights! You're spot on. When I told myself that I couldn't do it, I only wanted to do it more. Then I couldn't concentrate on anything!

    The guy that told you not to masturbate sux! It's your body and you life, and there are guys out there who think watching their girl masturbating is hot. I know I do. I also think it's hot when a girl touches herself when we are fucking. I don't feel like I'm not good enough or anything, I just think that the girl is taking the most she can from the sex and is getting into it. For me, that's hot.

    The carbs thing pisses a lot of people off, but I like it. It's not that hard really, I just eat extra meat and vegetables, and I look and feel great. I don't avoid rice, bread and pasta at all costs, but if I'm cooking I just don't bother including it. When I'm at restaurants it's not too hard either. I just get meat/fish dishes and salads. If I feel I want to eat some bread, rice or pasta, I do. Nowadays, it's not that often because I'm finding it to be bland and tasteless compared to some delicious stir fry.
