Monday 23 August 2010

My fears

I feel that in life in general, monogamy is a double edged sword of happiness and torment. I wish it were just complete fairy tale ending and I found my princess and that was it. But what happens when previous princesses contact you? What happens when that hostess you hooked up with a year ago is back in town and wants to meet up? What happens when that bi girl is in town? What happens when you sit down in a cafe and you can hear what the group of cute girls next to you is saying about you in detail because they think you can't understand? What happens when you go to step into an elevator and the doors open and a really cute girl is there and she sees you and starts bushing and then gives you the eyes and you know that if you weren't trying to be 'Mr.monogamy', you would be eventually sharing a beautiful moment and a beautiful memory with a beautiful person? What happens when these things happen, but at the same time you know you really like the person you are with and don't want to ruin that?

Frustration happens.

I'm just curious why we have these social rules in place. Who was the first person to say, "one only", and then everyone else followed that rule.

At the same time, the last thing I want to do is totally abandon social norms and end up in a skewed reality that is so departed from everyone else like this guy.


  1. hmm, it's hard to say... i'm kinda torn too between having lots of fun with lots of people and having a steady bf. i know, however, that when i find the right guy i will not cheat on him, and hopefully he wont cheat on me either because that would hurt me a lot.

    some people are just not meant for monogamy though. ;p

    that said, now you are hot stuff and see all these beautiful girls you wanna hook up with and it's all well and good, but just make sure you don't end up 50-something and all alone with nobody to share your life permanently and nobody who wants to fuck you anymore :p

  2. Between you and me, I think you should have lots of fun AND a boyfriend.

    There must be someway to do it...

    I never want to be 50 and alone. I never want to be 50. It's too far in the future to imagine.
