Wednesday 14 October 2009

curry rice

I'm at home after working tonight and I'm eating curry rice. It was in a bag hanging from my door as I came home. I looked on my keitai and there was a message from the hostess friend I talked about in the other post. She cooked too much and gave the rest to me. I'm beginning to wonder what this means. Girls don't usually stick around me too long. She in particular has a strong interest in speaking English, and since I recently decided that I'd rather not speak English when I'm not at work, we speak in Japanese. Girls with English interest in particular don't stick around at all when I don't speak to them in English. The novelty of speaking to a foreign guy is gone and is replaced with the difficulty of having to dumb down your language to speak to a guy with the conversational ability of a 3 y.o. It's a burden that they'd rather not take, so they leave.

I'm not concerned by it, and more than anything I expect it. Now I'm just confused about this girl. Why is she still being nice to me and contacting me, bringing me gifts (this is not the first time), and not just forgetting about me? The sex we had was admittedly pretty bad on my behalf....
A part of me wants to think that she likes me as a person and isn't too concerned about my shit J-skills, but the other half realizes that she is just limited in options right now and if a better one presented itself she'd be gone.
I met with a girl before I went on a holiday a last month. We were talking about the holiday and she asked me if I could buy her something from a specific place that I was visiting. I told her I would, then I asked her what she was buying me. Her skills at changing the topic of conversation kinda sucked and I could see that she really didn't want to spend anything on me. Although I made the promise to buy her a dress, and I wrote down her size and the name of the place in front of her, I had no intention whatsoever with following through on it. This was simply because I hadn't yet slept with the girl, and for all I know after 3 weeks of me not being in the country she would more than likely flake our plans to meet on my return. On that date we did end up making out quite heavily and I was looking forward to seeing her again. She seemed to be also, but a young girl with options won't last 2 weeks without constant attention, let alone 3.

We mailed a bit when I got back- she was excited J-girl style, which means polite excitement that is basically impossible to distinguish from real. Then she didn't reply to my mail, then told me later she was in hospital, I didn't believe her but gave her a polite 'Hope you feel better', she said thankyou, I gave one more playful mail and then no reply. I'd be bummed about this if I had bought her the dress but because I know J-girls like I do, I didn't buy the dress and I don't give a shit. Why would I choose the option of chasing a greedy girl when a generous one brings food to my door? And she's probably thinking the same thing about me for not buying her drinks when we went out!
We will always take what we perceive as the better option. Giving the perception that you are the best option is the key. It shouldn't have to cost money. A woman is not a boring bill to pay off, but a child is.

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