Friday 30 October 2009

I can't save you

I can't even save myself. So just save yourself.
That's how I feel when I have to talk about marriage with girls I haven't slept with yet. The problem I have with this is that most girls I talk to don't want to work and want to get married as soon as possible. They want someone to save them. They are waiting for a guy to save them. Looking for a husband is like looking for a job for a lot of girls. It's their status, and will be that way for the rest of their lives. The quality of life is determined by his profession. I have no idea what it must be like to be so powerless over my own perception of happiness. Most girls at the marrying age in their lives are trying hard for me to invest money in them and chase them. They ask me to buy them stuff, to show that I'm interested. They want me to continue to hassle them for dates when they don't offer alternatives. They want most to hear that they are loved. Dealing with, and learning to enjoy the challenges that girls dish out on potential suitors is something I'm beginning to lose interest in. The thrill of the chase is turning into a slow and predictable routine, but the alternative of marriage is even scarier.

If I were a man with a good salary (I'm not) and if I were to marry a good looking Japanese girl based on her appearance who doesn't want to work, who chose me as her best option, I would have to pay a lot of money to clothe her, to feed her and to house her. My living expenses would double. It's a lot money to invest in a depreciating investment. And I say that I am marrying her based on her appearance only, that is why it's depreciating. Unfortunately, men are wired to want to spread our seed, whilst women want the best seed possible.

It is more economical for me to live in a more humble sized apartment, and visit hookers for the rest of my life. That way I would have a variety, the conversations would be mostly pleasant, and I would probably end up with more money and sex!

Of course I would never mention any of this to a girl who I want to sleep with, because to be honest it's a pretty lousy way to view your life and of course I don't believe it.
Actually, I think that there is a way around all this and marry for love and enjoy having the greatest sex ever, with the women of your dreams, whose love is mutual, for the rest of your life. It simply requires a better job than what I have now. So, I think I'm gonna have to make some changes to my life. I'm planning my future now, and unfortunately it means I have to leave Japan for a while.

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