Saturday 17 October 2009

It's Saturday night and I'm sick at home. How dull. Living alone in a far eastern country is great because you don't have any family watching over you and judging your lifestyle choices, but in times of sickness it's one lonely place. Right now I want to take a bath and read a book but I'm not even supposed to get in the bath and my mind is too restless to concentrate on study or reading. So I'm going to write my thoughts here and talk about my day at work today.
My job is actually English teaching and most of the time I teach adults. Of those adults I mostly teach women. I spend most of my waking hours speaking to Japanese women and I've been doing it for such a long time that one might consider me a seasoned professional at talking them. It's good because I enjoy it most of the time, but other times I hate it because it's tense and that's usually because the woman I'm talking to is tense. They get tense because of the language difficulty, they are usually shy anyway, and most women comment that they are nervous because of my appearance.
When I'm working I have 3 main goals with the women. Get them comfortable, get them happy and get them speaking. Every woman is different and accomplishing these goals requires a different approach every time. Sometimes a compliment will do all 3 things in one foul swoop. Let's take one random student from today. A woman in her 20's or early 30's. I guess that not because of her appearance, but because of her job and marital status. She's a doctor married to another doctor, while to most foreigners she looks like a cute 19year old. She is very cutesy and acts clueless and yes, I would like to try it on with her. She came in today wearing a leopard print top. I looked at her and said, "that's a nice top." She sat up straight and said, "this top?" I confirmed at commented about the color. She replies "This color??? Sexy?" and her voice reaches a peak of cuteness I've never before witnessed.
Cute and good looking girls that are savvy sometimes try to flaunt what they have to get the guy on the chase and have their femininity and sexuality reassured. This type of girl likes to see a guy lost for words and have him fumbling like a fool. I love this type of girl! But considering that I'm more on the "S" side of S&M, I'm more likely to tease than be teased. I don't skip beat. I quickly rotate my chair so I'm not facing her but sitting by her side and move in very close to her face. Let my voice drop a tone or 2 and I look her directly in the eyes as I say, "Yes," pausing as I take a breathe, "it's a little bit sexy." Then I let a cheeky grin slide onto my face.
She bursts into uncontrollable laughter and her face flushes red. This is not a typical interaction that you would expect a married doctor to be having with her English teacher 30 seconds after saying hello. But nothing about my life is really typical in that sense. The people I talk to can't be normal people.
This girl, like most married girls that I talk to, prefer not to mention their husbands. I will know they are married, but they tend not to wear their rings. I do them the honor of not mentioning their husbands and let them enjoy the escape from reality they have whilst in the world of English. Maybe they are just trying to respect me by not mentioning him because they think I wouldn't want to hear about him. I don't care either way. But it kills me when a woman starts complaining to me about her husband and finds herself nearly in tears. There are a thousand things wrong with that scenario. I wont go there now.
So usually I prefer when I talk to college age people, boys or girls. Simply because they are so chilled out and kicked back compared to the stressed out workers. They have more interests and more energy. Some of the girls aren't bad looking either. Some of them aren't that good, but they are young, and while that's usually not enough to get me interested, it's a pretty good start.

Something strange happens to a man's mind when he hasn't had sex in a while. He starts to notice girls he wouldn't normally notice. Standards begin to slowly drop down. I haven't done it in a couple of months now. My standards are dropping and I'm looking at some girls I've known for a while and I'm thinking about it. The married guys I work with have no standards whatsoever which is more than likely an indication of their sex life and satisfaction they have with their wives. This lacking sex life is probably a result of them not being able to please their wives properly so the wives prefer a hot bath and those guys start over reacting to any girl that is a girl. It's fucken sad. I'm done bitching. I'm going to bed.

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