Wednesday 13 October 2010

Am I being a bitch?

Or do I just have little patience for bullshit?

A girl who I dated, went to Karaoke, made out with, stopped replying to my messages a long time ago contacted me suddenly. She asked how I was, I gave a friendly reply and asked the same of her. No reply.

One week later (last night) she asks if it's OK to call me and does so.

She tells me she is at work and needs something translated for work, can I help her?

No; hello, how are you?, what are you doing?, hows life? It's been a while since I totally brushed you off like a bad smell and tried to forget about you because I only wanted to try out hanging with a foreigner and wasn't interested in anything more, just a bit of fun......(thats my assumption at least).


I try to help. She says some sentences and I reply in English and she says she can't understand my English- can I mail her the translation?

I told her, "Yea, sure!!"

But really, "No fucking way!!!"

How do you brush a dude off with no explanation and think that a year later he is going to do your job for you for free?

I got a message from her today asking if I was busy because she needs those translations for work. I almost feel bad.

But mostly, I don't care.


  1. just ignore her! seriously, you don't owe her anything...

  2. Yea! For real! Thanks Karisuma gyaru. I thought for a second I was being too cold as a person but nah, whatever to her.
