Monday 4 October 2010

F cup tits

There he is. The cool guy. The guy that girls swoon for and guys hate from the feeling of jealousy. He has a good job and a nice car. He is composed and articulate in his speech. His voice resonates a clarity of mind and intelligence yet he never becomes the "Mr. Know-it-all". Somehow he maintains his humility and never gets too full of himself. He dresses well- fashionable, but at the same time his hair is slightly messy and his face could do with a shave, but it only adds to his rugged charm. He doesn't mind to laugh at himself and when he does it shows his big white teeth. He never takes himself too seriously and you can feel that he is just so easy to be around even though he seems so cool. He says nice things to you and is always positive, and even though he is funny and makes you laugh when he talks, there are times when he is quiet and serious and you wonder what he is thinking. Sweet, funny, cute yet mysterious. His baby face is a contrasting gap to his ripped abs and muscular body. If women knew, women would find it hard to say 'no' to this guy.


When I think of a guy that I imagine most girls would find attractive, he seems like this.

When I imagine a girl that has the same level of attractive qualities she would have;

A cute face, slim waist, F-cup sized tits...............


Oh yeah!! I almost forgot. Her personality should be simple so we can feel like we impress her with our lame stories! ! ! !

Yeah, that's about all guys need.

Notice I lacked to mention the job? Men aren't concerned with such superficial things like what money and status a girl has. NO! We go straight to the core- the heart of the girl. Or, at least in that general direction; the chest...... Chest/breast (size) is more important than status.

So when a girl like this who I picked up waaaaaay back last winter, suddenly messages me out of nowhere asking to have a dinner date with me- I should be all over it. BUT- I'm so goddamn busy with this post grad study!!!! RAAA!!! I'm angry.

I want breast!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha... i think you know women pretty well!! scary! :p
