Tuesday 15 June 2010

No reply?

These days I think about the nail artist most. I cooked her a delicious Italian style meal at my place last week. Cooking for myself and for my friends and my girlfriends is something I'm starting to really enjoy as I get more confident with my cooking skills.

I remember her saying only a month or two ago that during sex women cum only once and that is it. She is so different now. I counted her cumming five times in our first session that night and twice again after dinner. Good food, great sex, fun conversation- Fantastic.

Talking with her is so cool and even though sometimes when I'm tired she starts speaking fast and I have no idea what she is saying, I can just enjoy watching her speak cause she is so happy to talk to me about stuff. When I'm talking to her I don't feel like I have to hold the conversation up which is such a relief. And the fact that she brings up topics that are interesting is great.

I messaged her today telling her about a new kitchen product I bought and offered her a chance to "make a reservation" and "dine at my restaurant" (my apartment), but she hasn't replied. Usually she replies quickly so I can't help but think that she found out about me from her seemingly increasing spy network. I guess these are the joys of having a vivid appearance and a guilty conscience. It's probably just paranoia and she will reply tomorrow.

The girl I talked about here told me today in a message that even though she never wanted any commitment from me, she decided that she doesn't want to be a sex friend either. She didn't like the idea that I seem to be popular amongst women and sleep with them. I replied telling her that we could just be normal friends... No reply and I don't really expect one.

I can almost remember a time long ago when my ego was fragile and being rejected and ignored like this from people I cared about would have hurt.

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